its strengths and weaknesses, making them worthwhile captures, but you’ll need to acquire them through special events or five-star raids. Tapu Lele is one of these legendary Pokémon. If you’re thinking about going after it, is Tapu Lele good, and how can you best use it in Pokémon ...
:magnemite:: TBH with the amount of priority in the tier this seems a bit redundant, I wouldn't be surprised if there's a raise in :tapu lele:Tapu Lele as...
Tapu Lele. 3:46. Tapu Bulu. 4:21. Tapu Koko. 4:55. Tapu Fini. 5:51. How do you get mega rayquaza in unbound? Bringthe Jade Orb on the Peak of Crystal Mountainand a Level 70 Mega Rayquaza will appear. Fly off to Seaport City then enter the Pokemon Breeding School. Interact to ...
Tapu Lele in the other hand nulifies Greninja´s shurikens, Mega Metagross bullet punch and other priority moves, but it should be running either specs or scarf, since the use of taunt makes you unable to revenge kill faster threats. Any varition is frail, ...
that the meta merely centralizes around other S/A rank mons instead? And then what happens when you ban those mons? Another mon steps in their place? Today it's mosa, tomorrow it's metagross. Then ninja. Later on it becomes Zard X or maybe tapu Lele, or...
Sceptile + Bulu is essentially a grass version of Lele+Deo; super strong Leaf Storms incoming! However, with access to Nature Power, Sceptile can also essentially gain a third STAB attack from the other three Tapus. Paired with Tapu Lele, Sceptile gains access t...
And with the Swaggar rise, I could see Tapu Lele and in consequence PsySpam making a rise as not a lot appreciates a +2 Tech STAB Shadow Sneak off 125Atk lol. But going back from ORAS DOU and Kang and Mawile's Sucker Punch at +2, its not like it's...
that the meta merely centralizes around other S/A rank mons instead? And then what happens when you ban those mons? Another mon steps in their place? Today it's mosa, tomorrow it's metagross. Then ninja. Later on it becomes Zard X or maybe tapu Lele, or...
Z-Hyper beam: a simple case,Z-Hyper Beam with some prior damage and a good damage role can OHKO Toxapex with 24 SpD investiment U-Turn: Now for a more "deep",Pheromosa can U-Turn in Toxapex in the switch and go to mons that will threaten Toxapex out...