The combination of a monstrous Special Attack stat, a great offensive STAB combination, and a phenomenal ability makes Tapu Lele one of the most feared wallbreakers in OU. Psychic Surge makes Tapu Lele's Psychic-type STAB attacks deal mind-boggling damage with Choice Specs, 2HKOing bulky neutr...
Grazie alla sua abilità, il buon typing difensivo e le elevate statistiche difensive, Tapu Fini con questo set può agire da potente setup sweeper nel metagame Monotype e rappresenta una minaccia per molti tipi, inclusi Fire e Flying. Scald si occupa dei tipi Steel e Ground come Corvikni...
Heatran is a sturdy Tapu Lele and Blacephalon check that can also annoy Weavile if running Flame Body. Moreover, it can wear down Gastrodon with Toxic and threaten out Ferrothorn, helping Tapu Fini break through these checks. Attackers that benefit from Trick disrupting shared checks also make...
with Close Combat and High Horsepower.Tapu Leleis another solid option, as it threatens Poison- and Water-types such as Toxapex,Amoonguss, and Mantine with Psychic and Thunderbolt, all while pressuringKyuremand drawing inDragalgeto chip it.Tapu Kokothreatens Water-types andCinderaceand brings Tapu...