The combination of a monstrous Special Attack stat, a great offensive STAB combination, and a phenomenal ability makes Tapu Lele one of the most feared wallbreakers in OU. Psychic Surge makes Tapu Lele's Psychic-type STAB attacks deal mind-boggling damage with Choice Specs, 2HKOing bulky neutr...
18.6 kg Base experience yield 257 Leveling rate Slow EV yield Total: 3 0 HP 0 Atk 0 Def 3 Sp.Atk 0 Sp.Def 0 Speed Shape Footprint Pokédex color Pink Base friendship 70 External Links On Smogon Pokédex Artwork on Bulbagarden Archives Tapu Lele (Japanese: カプ・テテフ Kapu-Tete...
with Close Combat and High Horsepower.Tapu Leleis another solid option, as it threatens Poison- and Water-types such as Toxapex,Amoonguss, and Mantine with Psychic and Thunderbolt, all while pressuringKyuremand drawing inDragalgeto chip it.Tapu Kokothreatens Water-types andCinderaceand brings Tapu...
分享一个核果模式攻队一楼给河马 1666 po吧 我就是一个悖论 M螃蟹的彗星拳和铁头的疑问看了12月份smogon吧bankou1825分段的一个分析: | Moves | Meteor Mash 95.424% | Zen Headbutt 68.844% | Earthquake 56.007% | Ice Pu 270赞 一粒尘埃tc吧 一粒尘埃asd 日月ou队 分享10赞 夜雪新生吧 ___畩染丶 ...
Starke Wallbreaker: Zahlreiche Wallbreaker können Tapu Fini durchbrechen: Choice Specs-Tapu Lele trifft es sehr hart, +2 Garchomp kann Tapu Fini mit seiner Z-Attacke KOen, Supersonic Skystrike von Tornadus-T kann sehr großen Schaden anrichten, und Mega Alakazam teilt sehr viel Schaden mi...
Reason why CB Bulu, Scarf / Specs Lele, and Koko on a whole has been nothing short of amazing. if you wan't any real mileage with tapu fini, a supportive should be what you turn to. defog + taunt / haze (taunt is usually better) brings quite a bit in one mon with such great...
O principal destaque do nicho de Tapu Fini é o fato de ela ser uma usuária de Defog capaz de vencer os dois melhores usuários de entry hazard na tier, Heatran e Ash-Greninja, além de possuir um matchup decente contra outros usuários de Stealth Rock como Landorus-T, Mega Tyranitar...
Infine, anche Golisopod può eliminare i tipi Grass come Rillaboom e Zarude con la Choice Scarf e può pure piazzare le Spikes per supportare lo sweep di Tapu Lele nel late-game. Export Calm Mind (Water) Move 1 Calm Mind Move 2 Draining Kiss Move 3 Scald Move 4 Taunt Item Leftovers ...
Chip Damage: Because Tapu Fini is fully reliant on Leftovers and the weak Draining Kiss for recovery, it can be quickly worn down by entry hazards and U-turn and Future Sight from opposing Pokemon like Landorus-T, Tornadus-T, Tapu Lele, and Slowbro, especially if it is running a Choice...
GarchompeTapu Lele, podem fazer revenge kill a Tapu Koko. Ataques prioritários, como Fake Out e Bullet Punch deMega Medichame Water Shuriken de Ash-Greninja, podem derrotar Tapu Koko se estiver com um HP razoável. Por fim, Swift SwimKingdra, Sand Rush Excadrill e outras ameaças ...