Tapu Lele-GX 137 Tapu Lele-GX 155 Tapu Lele 92 Tapu Lele 150 Tapu Lele-GX 60_A Sign up for Pokémon emails! I’d like to receive emails about: Pokémon video games, apps, and more Pokémon Center (our official online shop) I accept the Pokemon.com Terms of Use and Privacy...
0785 Tapu Koko 0786 Tapu Lele Tapu Bulu 0787 Type Psychic Fairy Weakness Poison Ghost Steel Height 1.2 m Category Land Spirit Pokémon Weight 18.6 kg Gender Ability Psychic Surge Versions It heals the wounds of people and Pokémon by sprinkling them with its sparkling scales. This ...
Related Cards Tapu Lele SM45 Tapu Lele SM152 Tapu Lele-GX SV94 Tapu Lele-GX 60 Tapu Lele-GX 137 Tapu Lele-GX 155 Tapu Lele 94 Tapu Lele 150 Tapu Lele-GX 60_A Sign up for Pokémon emails! I’d like to receive emails about: Pokémon video games, apps, and more ...
Tapu Lele's inner body is black with white markings under its eyes and around its torso. It has pink eyebrows and two long, digit-less arms with pink around the wrists. The inside of Tapu Lele's body is inside of the lower, larger part of its shell, with the upper part of the ...
Tapu Lele é um dos Pokémon mais essenciais em times Psychic devido à sua ability Psychic Surge, alto Special Attack e excelente combinação de moves STAB, capaz de vencer oponentes Dark- e Dragon-type problemáticos, como Mandibuzz, Dragonite e Latios. Psychic Terrain aumenta o poder ...
The combination of a monstrous Special Attack stat, a great offensive STAB combination, and a phenomenal ability makes Tapu Lele one of the most feared wallbreakers in OU. Psychic Surge makes Tapu Lele's Psychic-type STAB attacks deal mind-boggling damage with Choice Specs, 2HKOing bulky neutr...
PokemonPets Pokédex entry for #786 Tapu Lele: evolution, stats, moves, location, type weaknesses, data, other forms and more!
基本宝可梦 HP110 能量爆炸20× 造成双方的战斗宝可梦身上附加的能量的数量×20点伤害。 螺旋吸取100 将这只宝可梦恢复「30」HP。 弱点 ×2 抗性 撤退 卡璞・蝶蝶 卡璞・蝶蝶-GX 卡璞・蝶蝶-GX 卡璞・蝶蝶-GX 卡璞・蝶蝶 卡璞・蝶蝶
Best Tapu Lele counters Here are some recommended Pokemon and moves to use when battling Tapu Lele: Ghost Gengar:Lick, Shadow Ball Banette:Hex, Shadow Ball Mismagius:Hex, Shadow Ball Origin Forme Giratina:Shadow Claw, Shadow Ball Chandelure:Hex, Shadow Ball ...
当这个回合己方从手牌放置一张名字带有「妖精护符」的宝可梦道具卡到该宝可梦身上时,可以让对方出战宝可梦陷入混乱状态。 魔法射击70 弱点 ×2 抗性 -20 撤退 卡璞・蝶蝶 卡璞・蝶蝶-GX 卡璞・蝶蝶-GX 卡璞・蝶蝶-GX 卡璞・蝶蝶 卡璞・蝶蝶 ...