維基共筆Wiki 探索 導航 科目 社区 登录 探索 当前 Advertisement維基筆記 1,466 个页面 探索 導航 科目 社区 分类: Chinese History of ideas中国思想史/中国哲学史Intellectual History of China、Old Master老子Laozi/Lao-tze/ Wuqian Wen五千文the descriptive 5,000-character Classic/Tao Te Ching/Tao...
Ikari Tsubute (Hibōshi Bājon) • Ninpō: Kaen Dan • Ninpō: Kagiate • Ninpō: Kakashō • Ninpō: Kami Shibari • Ninpō: Kawarimi • Ninpō: Kaze Nui (Hibōshi Bājon) • Ninpō: Koroshi Ame • Ninpō: Mawashi Doku • Ninpō: Shintokumaru • Ninpō: Madowashi •...
Tao Te Ching "Yol ve onun erdemlerinin kitabı" olarak çevrilebilir. WikiMatrix And, uh, send me Tao and Sykes. Bana Tao ve Sykes'ı gönder. OpenSubtitles2018.v3 Bevan Tao rented one two days ago. Bevan Tao, iki gün önce bir tane kiralamış. OpenSubtitles20...
TAOISM: Tao-te Ching, Chinese for “classic of the way of power” 道教:《道德经》,中文的原意是“道的最高力量” jw2019 What the hell is a Tao Tei? 饕餮 到底 是 什么 东西 ? OpenSubtitles2018.v3 Four years after the first Taiwanese nuclear power plant was built in 1970, the ...
The Tao Te Chingwas written by Lao-Tzu over 25 centuries ago in ancient China. Yet he knew, even then, how rushing can make us lose our emotional balance. We now know that rushing and impatience put us into a stress state, which narrows our focus, makes us anxious, and shuts down ou...
The Tao Te Ching (Dao De Jing) is an ancient Chinese philosophical and moral text often attributed to Laozi (or Lao-tzu), "the old master." The verse can be difficult to understand, and many people have spent their entire lives dedicated to the study of the Tao Te Ching. While it ca...
WikiMatrix Although Lao-tzu did not make this an issue, passages in Tao Te Ching seemed to suggest this idea. Premda se Lao-tzu nije bavio tom temom, odlomci u Tao Te Chingu izgleda sugeriraju ovu ideju. jw2019 thank you, lieutenant tao. Hvala, poručniče. OpenSubtitles20...