Tao Te Ching (redirected fromTao Teh Ching) Encyclopedia (dou′ dĕ′ chĭng′, tou′ tĕ′ chĭng′) n. A Chinese text written in the first millenniumbc, traditionally ascribed to Lao Tzu and setting forth the philosophical tenets of Taoism. ...
有名萬物之母。 故常無欲,以觀其妙; 常有欲,以觀其徼。 此兩者,同出而異名, 同謂之玄。 玄之又玄, 衆妙之門。 Image is fromWikipedia 1. On the Eternal Tao The Tao that can be told of Is not the Eternal Tao; The Names that can be given Are not Eternal Names. Non-being(Nothingness...
Google Share on Facebook Tao Thesaurus Financial Acronyms Encyclopedia Wikipedia Tao (dou, tou)alsoDao(dou) n. 1.In Taoism, the basic, eternal principle of the universe that transcends reality and is the source of being, non-being, and change. ...
A Google search for "tao te ching" brings 2,540,000 hits, whereas "dao de jing" results in only 255,000, a mere tenth (February, 2012). It gets increasingly complicated by the alternate Pinyin spelling "daodejing" (as one word), which gets 205,000 hits....
According to Wikipedia: "The Tao Te Ching, Dao De Jing, or Daodejing, also simply referred to as the Laozi, is a Chinese classic text. According to tradition, it was written around the 6th century BC by the sage Laozi (or Lao Tzu, "Old Master"), a record
There are eighty-one verses of the Tao Te Ching to evaluate and study. Why? It represents the essence of personal transformation and how the perception and connection with some sense of enlightenment permeate who we are to become. Rather we do so this time or the next, or the next… ...
Table Note3:Corpus 'Wikipedia' ripped as one enwiki-20120403-pages-articles.xml 37,430,769,961 bytes file consisted of 607,687,347 lines (longest line: 795,359). Table Note4:In Leprechaun_x-leton revision 15FIXFIX two bugs were fixed, downloadable at bottom of section 2, the entire ta...
Tao Te Ching (dou′ dĕ′ chĭng′, tou′ tĕ′ chĭng′) n. A Chinese text written in the first millennium bc, traditionally ascribed to Lao Tzu and setting forth the philosophical tenets of Taoism. [Mandarin Dàodéjīngliterally, "Classic of the Virtues of the Way"), from Early...
Tao Te Ching Encyclopedia Wikipedia (dou′ dĕ′ chĭng′, tou′ tĕ′ chĭng′) n. A Chinese text written in the first millenniumbc, traditionally ascribed to Lao Tzu and setting forth the philosophical tenets of Taoism. [MandarinDàodéjīngliterally, "Classic of the Virtues of the Way...
Tao Te Ching (dou′ dĕ′ chĭng′, tou′ tĕ′ chĭng′) n. A Chinese text written in the first millenniumbc, traditionally ascribed to Lao Tzu and setting forth the philosophical tenets of Taoism. [MandarinDàodéjīngliterally, "Classic of the Virtues of the Way"), from Early Midd...