Tao Te Ching的创作者· ··· 老子作者 作者简介· ··· 黄裳,字元吉,江西丰城人,生卒年不详,元代或清代道士。 根据《乐育堂语录》的序文,黄元吉先生是元代人,平时遁形隐迹,直到清朝道光、咸丰年间,才聚徒讲学。然以此言之,黄元吉在世之寿几近千岁,并不合理。《乐育堂语录》序文所提到的元代黄元吉与清代...
老子、J. J. L. Duyvendak(戴闻达) / John Murray / 1954 / 精装 九品 ¥800.00 2024-04-04售出 展开详情
内容简介· ··· Reflected in Eastern philosophy, art, and literature for more than two thousand years, the magisterial effects of the Tao Te Ching have shaped the thinking of some of the world’s most profound philosophers. This spiritual work, one of the most influential books in history...
TAO TE CHING, the Taoism classic by the ancient Taoist Lao Tzu. The complete text in Aleister Crowley's version.
Tao Te Ching of Laozi represents the highest achievement of Eastern philosophy in the Axial Age of the world. 哲学家老子的《道德经》,代表了世界轴心时代东方哲学的最高成就。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Lao Tzu raised the concept of "covering" in chapter 15 of The Tao Te Ching. 老子在《道德经》...
te Chinghas received a wide variety of interpretations because of its elusiveness and mystical overtones, and it has been a basic concept in bothphilosophyand religion. In essence, it consists of “nonaction” (wuwei), understood as no unnatural action rather than complete passivity. It implies ...
深情英版《道德经》| Tao Te Ching 233 2019-09 3 中澳两首一起读:《芙蓉楼送辛渐》& Rain in the Mountains 229 2019-09 4 法式日常《早餐》~ Déjeuner du Matin 1609 2019-09 5 英伦格调诗两首: Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night & The Village Inn ...
The Tao Te Ching is known around the world as the Dao De Ching, The Tao, the Dao or simply The Way.