यदि tan theta = cot phi तो सिद्ध कीजिए कि theta + phi = 90^(@)
सिद्ध कीजिए : sec theta "cosec " (90^(@)-theta) - tan theta cot (90^(@) - theta ) = 1
cos(90)的准确值为0。 sin(90)0-tan(θ)1+tan(90)tan(θ) 该表达式包含分母0。该表达式无定义。 sin(90)0−tan(θ)1+tan(90)tan(θ)sin(90)0-tan(θ)1+tan(90)tan(θ) 化简分母。 点击获取更多步骤... 将tan(90)重写为正弦和余弦形式。
tan(90−θ)tan(90-θ) 这是复数的三角函数形式,其中|z||z|是模数,θθ是复平面上形成的夹角。 z=a+bi=|z|(cos(θ)+isin(θ))z=a+bi=|z|(cos(θ)+isin(θ)) 复数的模是复平面上距离原点的距离。 当z=a+biz=a+bi时,|z|=√a2+b2a2b2 ...
Find θ if θ is between 0 and 90 degrees. sec θ = 8.0101 Find an angle θ with 0° < θ < 360° that has the same sine as 10°. Find the arc length s: r = 6 m, theta = 51 degrees. Given tha...
Stochastic theta methodSkorohod problemmultivalued stochastic differential equationstrong convergence rateIn this paper, we get the strong maximum principle to a class of operators associated with stochastic variational inequalities.doi:10.1080/17442508.2017.1416117Hua Zhang...
Appl. Numer. Math. 60, 87-887 (2010)Q. Li, S. Gan, X. Wang, Compensated stochastic theta methods for stochastic differential delay equations with jumps, International Journal of Computer Mathematics 90 (5) (2013) 1057-1071.
Step by step video, text & image solution for ( cos (90^(@) - theta ) sec (90^(@) - theta ) tan theta )/("cosec"(90^(@) - theta ) sin (90^(@) - theta ) cot (90^(@) - theta )) +( tan (90^(@) - theta ))/( cot theta )= by Maths experts to help you in ...
tan(90∘+θ)sin(180∘+θ)sec(270∘+θ)cos(270∘−θ)cosec(180∘−θ)cot(360∘−θ)=1 View Solution Prove thatcot(180∘+θ)sin(90∘−θ)cos(−θ)sin(270∘+θ)tan(−θ)cosec(360∘+θ)=cos2θcotθ. ...
These results are improved by Theta-1 zeolite, which can yield a remarkable propene molar selectivity of 180% (90 wt%) at 90% conversion, close to the maximum thermodynamic yield. Moreover, crystal engineering allowed its TOF to increase by more than 50%. Based ...