(1)打开脚本网站:https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/1317-download-youtube-videos-as-mp4 (2)点击“安装此脚本”按钮即可。 3,实现YouTube视频下载 我们随便打开一个YouTube视频播放页面,会发现播放器下方多了个“下载”按钮。我们点击下载按钮即可选择需要的清晰度,将视频下载到本地。
Tampermonkey 是一款免费的浏览器扩展和最为流行的用户脚本管理器,它适用于 Chrome,Microsoft Edge,Safari,Opera Next 和 Firefox。 Tampermonkey管理的脚本能做什么? 解决百度云大文件下载限制 VIP视频破解 自由复制网站文字 Download YouTube Videos as MP4 百度广告清理 贴吧全能助手 腾讯动漫破解 豆瓣增强 如何下载和使...
You probably know many ways to download YouTube videos, but I guarantee you will like this one. Withthis script, it adds a download to every YouTube video you are watching. You can choose the video quality as high as 8K if available. Unlike other YouTube Downloader extensions, this script...
An intuitive application with a very good compression ratio that can help you not only create and extract archives, but also test them for errors 4k Video Downloader Export your favorite YouTube videos and playlists with this intuitive, lightweight program, built to facilitate downloading clips from...
This software supports all audio and video websites, such as TikTok, YouTube, Bilibili, TED, Instagram, Twitter, etc. Features include: variable playback speed, screen capture, video download, custom settings, and extensions, etc., providing you with a pleasant online audio and video playback...
浏览网页时可轻松查看翻译版本。由Google翻译小组提供。 更多storage权限storage 相似插件 Adblock Plus 阻止YouTube™ 广告、弹出窗口并抵御恶意软件! Tampermonkey The world's most popular userscript manager OneTab 节省高达95%的内存,并减轻标签页混乱现象 ...
The only difference is the URL: http://nimpekprg.com/download-youtube-videos-as-mp4/. This is probably because I installed the "fake", then the "Download YouTube Videos as MP4's" script from OpenUserJS. I followed the simple instructions given to "dave600b" by "derjanb" but I am...
You can download videos on the mobile app, but they stay in the YouTube app – you can’t download the video to your local storage. A user script, on the other hand, can allow you to download YouTube videos. Or, perhaps you prefer the old version of Reddit instead of the new one...
脚本,是使用一种特定的描述性语言,依据一定的格式编写的可执行文件,又称作宏或批处理文件。 Tampermonkey: Tampermonkey 是一款免费的浏览器扩展和最为流行的用户脚本管理器,它适用于Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Safari, Opera Next, 和 Firefox。 虽然有些受支持的浏览器拥有原生的用户脚本支持,但 Tampermonkey 将在您的...
You may need to configure these in chrome://extensions/shortcuts.?? Why use Chrome Capture? Selected area screenshots and recordings.? Communicate better with your team by creating and sending a short GIF or WebM.? Record snip-its of videos on YouTube and other sites into GIFs or WebMs ...