Install Tampermonkey to browser. Chrome: Chrome web store Firefox: Safari: Mac app store Opera: Head to, and search for THE BEST SCRIPT Youtube Downloader (MP3-MP4-HD-FullHD), which is created by ysEnmanuel. Install the user ...
Click Get set beside “Tampermonkey”. Hit Add extension from the appearing pop-up. After being downloaded, a new page will show up confirming the extension is installed. By default, the extension remains turned on and a new icon appears next to the address bar. Add a New Script to Downlo...
Download the Tampermonkey extension Check out my other scripts Support me on Ko-Fi Check out my other projects on Github Notice By installing and using this Tampermonkey script, please be aware that it utilizes website APIs of various YouTube downloading websites. The extension only transmits sim...
Step 1: InstallChromeandTampermonkey Step 2: Install this script Youtube Subtitle Downloader Click Green "Install" button Youtube 字幕下载工具 这里的程序是用来下载 Youtube 字幕的. 具体的安装和使用请参考这篇详尽的知乎回答 答主是我 感谢使用!
我就再没有管过Tampermonkey除了有一次为了在google calendar中显示自己的时间记录边学边练用了一次虽然一般在youtube上看视频不需要字幕而且大多数视频都没有字幕但是今天突然有了这么一个需求我就又找了找userscript的替代品答案是greasyfork.org在上面搜索了下发现有个现成的拿下来试用了下发现有点小问题但有源代码...
The script should work as a Tampermonkey userscript. It should not rely on refreshing the entire page (avoid using window.location.reload();). The new content loaded should be significantly different from the content displayed prior to the action, ensuring a diverse viewing experience...
In the Vivaldi browser it is not necessary to use Tampermonkey, there you just have to download this script in a folder (do not delete it) and drag the script to the extensions tab in Developer mode to install it. This surrounds YT's adblock detector, as this script dynamically overlays...
Tampermonkey is only a user script manager and does not provide downloading functionality directly. You need to write user scripts to change the way the web page works, so that YouTube downloads are allowed in particular conditions. If you don’t know how to write custom JavaScript code, you...
YouTube Auto Subtitle Download. – To use this, first, you have to install Tampermonkey and then a “Youtube Subtitle Downloader” script. I suggest you skip this. Though, from Github, you can check all instructions and try it out. ...
YouTube Multi Downloader is a simple tool that lets you download YouTube videos locally to your device. However, this extension isn't downloadable through the Chrome Web Store, you have to install it through Tampermonkey. Tampermonkey is a well-known user script manager that’s available for ...