The Super X Chassis offers great durability and stability thanks to its wide tread and long wheelbase. The motor can be accessed from the underside of the machine, allowing speedy setting changes, while the rear stay is attached in 2 places. ...
相信「迷你四驅車」絕對是每個人小時候最美好的回憶。而田宮模型(TAMIYA)在日前年中的時候,宣佈了一個驚天動地的消息,就是將要打造一台1:1 的「Aero Avante」迷你四驅車實體車化計劃。隨著時間慢慢地轉動,最近大家已經可以在網路上看到一支瘋傳的試駕影片。而小編也來為各位整理一下這台1:1「Aero Avante」由...
Jr Light Dash Motor Description This motor is designed for Mini 4WD and Dangun Racer machines and features a metal brush, which increases durability and reduces power loss for greater efficiency. Motor endbell color: Yellow Voltage(V) - 2.4-3.0 Torque (nM-m) - 1.3-1.9 RPM(r/min) ...
Many Mini 4WD racers favor lightweight cars, as this reduces motor stress and potentially boosts top speed. It also redistributes weight, altering the car's center of gravity; thus, it's better to lighten your car from the top down - why not start with the body? A number of lightweight...
Hyper Dash Motor PRO J-CUP 2024【型號:95170】 迷你四驅車專用。 ●預定7月發售 ●528日圓(含稅) Hyper Dash 3 Motor J-CUP 2024【型號:95169】 迷你四驅車專用。 ●預定7月發售 ●506日圓(含稅) HG 1.5mm 碳纖維多用途闊支架 J-CUP 2024【型號:95166】 ...
Tamiya(田宫模型)正在开发 Trail Mini 4WD 熊本熊 15 周年纪念版四驱车,Fun-Vroom 驾驶舱经过更新,新增防滚架车顶,让你能清楚看到熊本熊坐在驾驶座操控赛车!附带贴纸,包含 15 周年引擎盖纪念标志及其他图案,熊本熊驾驶人偶已预组装并涂装完成。使用EZ底盘,更多详细信息将陆续公布。
25:22 Mini 4WD New Product Corner 田宮軍士模型 Tamiya Military ModelsTamiya 1/48 Lockheed P-38J LightningTamiya Model Cars更多模型展覽會圖片:田宮模型 Tamiya 四驅車黎緊都會有巨量新品,而家睇定有咩岩心水就差唔多啦!靜岡模型展相關資料參展商資料:Shizuoka Hobby Show 參展商包括有 Bandai 萬代, Tamiya...
遥控1:32迷你4WD四驱车改装遥控车能转向全比例 本人从小喜欢四驱车,想丢掉动画中的引导曲棍,改装成遥控的,让车子真正的随心所欲的驰骋,但是在10年前那是不可能的事,近年来电子技术的发展越来越好,才能成就今天的设计,全套电子设备都是来自模型车的电子设备,所以成本很高,三通枪型遥控器.电调.舵机.电池.充电器....
This IONIQ 5 N was created as a mini car through collaboration between Tamiya Korea and Hyundai Motor Company. The AR chassis is designed to offer its driver durability, customizability and ease of maintenance, all of which are vital ingredients for a successful Mini 4WD racer. Its aerodynamic...
Add to cart Tamiya Brand tools,Tools 74165 Hex Wrench Screwdriver Bit Mini 4Wd $8.50 Add to cart Low Profile Wheel/Tires,Wheel/Tire 15542 Jr 26Mm Tires/Carbon Wheels Super Hard/Sm Dia/Low Profile $2.60 Add to cart Customized Handmade Wheel/Tires,Low Profile Wheel/Tires,Wheel/Tire ...