MINI 4WD CAT RACER Length: 150 mm. Image shows painted and assembled kit. First Across the Fe-Line This Mini 4WD model assembly kit creates the Cat Racer, an exciting Mini 4WD car with stylish open-top buggy body and a cute pre-assembled and painted cat driver figure. Stickers are ...
To capture the powerful visual tension depicted in the artwork, this piece is produced in close to A1 size, boasting an imposing presence that cannot be ignored. Fluorescent pigments are deliberately incorporated to enhance the brilliance of the master's vibrant colors. Each poster bears Joe Simko...
Circuit Specifications •Size when assembled: 216cm x 120cm •Course length: 2 laps = approximately 10m •Lane width: 11.5cm •Fence height: 5cm •Simple fit-together assembly and disassembly. Separately Required Items •R6/AA/UM3 batteries x2 for each Mini 4WD carExample...
$4.10 Add to cart Tamiya Brand tools,Tools 74165 Hex Wrench Screwdriver Bit Mini 4Wd $8.50 Add to cart Low Profile Wheel/Tires,Wheel/Tire 15542 Jr 26Mm Tires/Carbon Wheels Super Hard/Sm Dia/Low Profile $2.60 Add to cart Customized Handmade Wheel/Tires,Low Profile Wheel/Tires,Wheel/Tire ...
Thunder Shot Mk.II 车壳采用浅烟熏色 塑料注塑。 亮绿色电镀风刃式轮毂搭配黑色超级硬低扁平轮胎,胎壁带有 “TAMIYA MINI 4WD / ASIA CHALLENGE / SUPER HARD” 白色字样印刷。 透明贴纸采用现代化设计,印有 “Asia Challenge” 及赛事年份标识。 标配Type 130 电机,采用 3.5:1 传动齿比。
遥控1:32迷你4WD四驱车改装遥控车能转向全比例 本人从小喜欢四驱车,想丢掉动画中的引导曲棍,改装成遥控的,让车子真正的随心所欲的驰骋,但是在10年前那是不可能的事,近年来电子技术的发展越来越好,才能成就今天的设计,全套电子设备都是来自模型车的电子设备,所以成本很高,三通枪型遥控器.电调.舵机.电池.充电器....
Size 1.5/3/6/12mm For Vehicle Type Cars Four-wheel Drive Attributes Assemblage Material MetalView more DescriptionReport Item Specifications: Material: High-quality Metal Recommend Age: Suitable for individuals aged 14 years and above For Vehicle Type: Specifically designed for Cars, particularly Tamiy...
TAMIYA 打造 MINI 4WD Aero Avante 1:1 真实赛车 相信稍有年纪的人都会知道 TAMIYA 的迷你四驱车。而 TAMIYA 也在迷你四驱车 30 周年纪念的时刻,全手工打造了一台 1:1 的真实赛车。 相信稍有年纪的人都会知道 TAMIYA 的迷你四驱车。而 TAMIYA 也在迷你四驱车 30 周年纪念的时刻,全手工打造了一台 1:1 ...
Tamiya Mini 4WDM2 x 40 Scoket Buttom Screw SALE! CNY ¥12.8CNY ¥14.23 於2至5個工作天發貨 *FREE Super Saver Shipping 3Racing Tamiya Mini 4WD13mm Aluminum Ball -Race Rollers ( Ringless )(Golden) SALE! CNY ¥38.49CNY ¥42.76於2至5個工作天發貨 ...
Tamiya Mini 4WD17mm Aluminum Ball -Race Rollers ( Ringless )(Golden) SALE! CNY ¥42.96CNY ¥47.69於2至5個工作天發貨 *FREE Super Saver Shipping 3Racing Tamiya Mini 4WDDouble Aluminum Rollers ( 16-17mm )(Light blue) SALE! CNY ¥51.52CNY ¥57.22於2至5個工作天發貨 ...