With 10130 women, the Tamil Nadu Police has the largest number of Women Police in the country who are integrated into the mainstream. There are separate wings and units to handle the multifarious functions like recruitment, training and other important divisions of work viz. Law and Order, ...
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Film Fugitives When Yami Gautam Revealed Her Parents’ Reaction To Ayushmann Khurrana-Led Vicky Donor: “This Is So…” 1/5/2025 by Lavisha Guwalani KoiMoi The 10 Best Hindi Movies of 2024 1/4/2025 by Shikhar Verma High on Films
Dravidian parties have been in power in Tamil Nadu for the last 57 years and the signs are that together with its allies it will win overwhelmingly in the next election scheduled for2024. Incidentally, the saffron party (BJP) has never won an election in Tamil Nadu on its own, and its v...
Annual police transfer orders suspended until June 2025 LG politics: NPP to contest under current structure Govt. has not yet decided when to assign official vehicles to MPs [Thursday 2024-12-26 16:00] The government is yet to assign vehicles to the MPs of the new Parliament though it has...
The coastal plains of Tamil Nadu, India, are prone to floods, the most common disaster experienced in this region almost every year. This research aims to identify flood risks in the coastal plain region of Tamil Nadu, delineated through a watershed approach with 5020 micro-administrative units ...
Mettur.com is an offical site for Mettur . the Mettur is a small town in Salem District, Tamil Nadu, India. It is best known for the Mettur Dam. Mettur also has a number of industries; an important
This research is based on the empirical study on the police work stress, symptoms and coping strategies among the female police service in Tamilnadu. The data was based on a sample size of (N = 274) of female police constables in Tuticorin district and its surrounding areas. A total of ...
Sensitizing police forces through community-led training and advocacy in Tamil Nadu, IndiaSahu, SupriyaThanikachalam, DPalani, VSathyanarayanan, AGooty, Sudha