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WhenThe Hinduinformed local authorities about the theft, the case was immediately referred to theIdol Wing of the Tamil Nadupolice for investigation. Kapoor is facing trial in the coming months in the Tamil Nadu capital of Chennai in a case built by the Idol Wing with the help of American i...
Wickremesinghe initiated a dialogue with Tamil parties on the full implementation of the 13A without the police powers to the provinces. However, the powerful Buddhist clergy opposition suggested putting it on hold. [Full Story] India to launch rockets to space from southern Tamil Nadu. Here's...
This research is based on the empirical study on the police work stress, symptoms and coping strategies among the female police service in Tamilnadu. The data was based on a sample size of (N = 274) of female police constables in Tuticorin district and its surrounding areas. A total of ...
Tamil Nadu is considering passing legislation that places time and usage limits on online and real money gaming, The Economic Times reported.
MELVISHARAM | Vellore District | Tamil nadu | 632509 | Everything about Melvisharam to make a Official Melvisharam Website. Business Fashion Sports Games Technology Download This Template Ahle Sunnat Lababin Jamaat’s Appeal To The Local Merchants, Traders And Residents Of Melvisharam Add ...
Sundaram, M.S., Kumaran, M.J.: A study on frequency of stress among female police constables reference to Tamil Nadu Police Department, India. Int. Res. J. Soc. Sci. 1(3), 15-20 (2012). ISSN 2319-3565Sundaram M. S. and Kumaran M. J. (2012). A study...
The coastal plains of Tamil Nadu, India, are prone to floods, the most common disaster experienced in this region almost every year. This research aims to identify flood risks in the coastal plain region of Tamil Nadu, delineated through a watershed appr