I think I found it long ago in a passage from the book of Genesis which caught my eye while I was looking through my Bible. The words were few, but they became memorably impressed on my mind.”“ In the sweat of the face shall you eat the bread. ”如何才能幸福长寿地生...
She thought I talked too much. See also note at discuss. speak 和 talk 两个动词的用法有些不同。speak 可以表示对人讲话或发表演讲,而 talk 更有可能表示谈话或讨论:I talked about it with my family at dinner (吃晚饭时,我和家人讨论了这件事),Sometimes we'd talk all night (有时我们能谈上...
speak 可以表示对人讲话或发表演讲,而 talk 更有可能表示谈话或讨论:I talked about it with my family at dinner (吃晚饭时,我和家人讨论了这件事),Sometimes we'd talk all night (有时我们能谈上一宿)。talk 也可以用来强调说话的行为,而非所说的话,例如:She thought I talked too much (她嫌我话太...
30. As it says in the Bible, my cup is running over. Talking of which, I must get you a cup of tea. 正如《圣经》所说,给我恩赐太多了,我的杯子已经满满当当了。说到杯子,我得去给你倒杯茶来。 来自柯林斯高阶英语词典 点击展开全部例句 拍照翻译 语音翻译 智能背词 下载金山词霸APP...
Does the Bible Belong in Schools? Short Clips·Marissa Streit How Should America Respond to the Islamic Regime of Iran? Short Clips·Marissa Streit How UNITUS Was Born Short Clips·Marissa Streit Hollywood’s DEI Disaster Short Clips·Marissa Streit ...
swear on bible swear up and down Discover More Example Sentences DeSantis said both parties have added to the debt and “Republicans talk big when they’re out of power, but when they get in, they don’t put their money where their mouth is.” ...
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This morning my husband prayed this verse for me. The note from my Reformation Study Bible sent me to Isaiah 46:1-4. Here the Lord contrasts the “bearing ability” of idols to that of the One True God: "Bel bows down; Nebo stoops; their idols are on beasts and livestock; these thi...
译文示例:Many Bible Students got their first taste of field service by distributing handbills for a pilgrim’s public talk. ↔ Estudante Bíblia barak hola parte atu haklaken ba dala primeiru kuandu sira fahe konvite kona-ba diskursu públiku neʼebé peregrinu sira hatoʼo. talk verb...
Photo byAaron BurdenonUnsplash The parent in Utah wrote that "incest, onanism, bestiality, prostitution, genital mutilation, fellation, dildos, rape, and even infanticide" are all topics in the Bible. The parent also wrote, "You'll no doubt find that the Bible, under Utah Code Ann. § 76...