This verse may not be your verse, so to speak, like it is for me. But find a Bible verse to remind you of the Lord’s great love and His perfect peace.If you’re not sure what verse is right for you, pray and ask God to guide you and open the eyes of your heart to find t...
Praying openly and honestly to God can help you become more courageous when speaking to your spouse. Pray out loud and get used to saying the words, instead of only thinking them to yourself. And don’t forget verse 3 from above: God is not quick to bless selfish prayers. Ultimately, yo...
a)You first have to look at these verses in the above chronological order as they are being presented. The very first verse sets the entire stage on what faith is all about with the Lord. This very first verse will tell you that God Himself will give each person a certain“measure of ...
Here is a simple rule of thumb. If you are talking about someone who is not present, then it is very possible to slip into gossip. I would say it can happen intentionally or unintentionally. Regardless of how you get there, it is gossip nonetheless which means it is betrayal. Here are ...
Verse Concepts For the king knows about these matters, and I speak to him also with confidence, since I am persuaded that none of these things escape his notice; for this has not been done in a corner. Acts 9:29 Verse Concepts And he was talking and arguing with the Hellenistic Je...
It’s funny (and yet scary) when I think about it how the raging liberal and the extreme fundamentalist go to the same Bible with the same purpose of finding a verse with an explicit command. The fundamentalist takes the command to show that there is a law that should not be broken. ...
36 Bible Verses about TemptationMost Relevant Verses James 1:13 Verse Concepts Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am being tempted by God”; for God cannot be tempted by evil, and He Himself does not tempt anyone. 1 Corinthians 10:13 Verse Concepts No temptation has overtaken...
When we spend too much time thinking about ourselves, talking about ourselves, or maintaining a certain image, it leads to pride. Seeing yourself in an overly-important way does not bring joy or peace. How do I get rid of pride? There are a few steps you can take if you want to conq...
The prepositions“by”,“will be”and“to”in this verse can also be translated from Hebrew as“towards”. Because the tribe of Zebulun never owned any land on the coast, the POSB commentary and other commentaries suggest that this verse should read,“Zebulun shall dwelltoward… the sea; and...
Let me misquote a verse to make a point. See if you can catch where I got it wrong. “Listening to the truth we are to grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ.” Ephesians 4.15 (Deliberate misquote.)