Created by Dave Filoni, the six animated shorts detail pivotal moments in the paths of two classic characters, Ahsoka Tano and Count Dooku, played by Ashley Eckstein and Corey Burton, respectively.
if Leslie Headland really gets the EU as she says she does, she'll recognise that the Acolyte needs to fulfill pretty much the same role that the Bane Trilogy did which is to paint a far more nuanced version of the Jedi and Sith ideological conflict, and present compelling villains that h...
Tales of the Jediis an animated anthology series comprised of various shorts set during the prequel era. The series will consist of six episodes. Three will follow the adventures of Ahsoka throughout her life, giving fans glimpses of her childhood days, her time s...
If you’re looking to expand your relationship beyond traditional monogamy, make sure you’re really honest with yourself and your partner about what you are looking to do. This is harder than it seems as the mind gets quite foggy with the musky haze of sexual energy. It’s even more com...
(my first ride took us to Hoth circaEmpire Strikes Backand Coruscant circaRevenge of the Sith, which is already an update from the 90s), later rides hit scenes and featured characters from bothForce AwakensandThe Last Jedi… which no doubt angers the worst kind ofStar Warsfan but screw ...
AggroChat #432 - Breath of the Jedi Featuring: Ashgar, Belghast, Kodra, Tamrielo, and Thalen This show was one of those times when random discussions that we did not plan happened. Firstly we had a bit of an impromptu discussion about the Dungeons and Dragons movie which also led to ...
And I’m pretty sure she bought me the other two,Empire Strikes BackandReturn of the Jedi, either at the same time or shortly after, and I loved those two dearly as well…actually, it wasReturn of the Jedithat was constantly in my VHS player; it’s always been my favorite. ...