Tales of the Jedi is set to premiere with all episodes on October 26, 2022 Each episode of Tales of the Jedi tells a short story featuring Jedi from the Star Wars prequel trilogy era While traveling to work on the Star Wars series The Mandalorian, Dave Filoni began writing short stories a...
Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi offers rich backstories for beloved characters like Ahsoka and Count Dooku, but the Disney+ limited series lacks its own identity.
Tales of the Jediis an animated anthology series comprised of various shorts set during the prequel era. The series will consist of six episodes. Three will follow the adventures of Ahsoka throughout her life, giving fans glimpses of her childhood days, her time s...
Created by Dave Filoni, the six animated shorts detail pivotal moments in the paths of two classic characters, Ahsoka Tano and Count Dooku, played by Ashley Eckstein and Corey Burton, respectively.
A vengeful young woman and a former Jedi navigate the ruthless Galactic Empire during different eras, their divergent choices shaping their fates in a rapidly changing galaxy.Related Videos 2:11 Tales Of The Empire (UK) Star Wars: Tales of the Empire 124 2:09 Tales Of The Empire Star Wars...
Jedi Fallen Order – PC When this game first released I tried playing it with a controller because it seemed like that was the proper way to play it. I bounced because the game is not terribly good at explaining when you should leave a planet. However over the holiday break I returned ...
spinning off fromThe Mandalorianand moving into the palace from the opening sequence ofReturn of the Jedito become a crime boss. I certainly see the logic behind this series. It’s extremely cynical logic, based on how to exploit an IP more than “we have a story that needs telling,” ...
A six-episode event featuring parables built around Jedi from the prequel era. Journey into the lives of two distinctly different Jedi — Ahsoka Tano and Count Dooku. Each will be put to the test as they make choices that will define their destinies.
AggroChat #432 - Breath of the Jedi Featuring: Ashgar, Belghast, Kodra, Tamrielo, and Thalen This show was one of those times when random discussions that we did not plan happened. Firstly we had a bit of an impromptu discussion about the Dungeons and Dragons movie which also led to ...