In the decade subsequent to the fall of the Berlin Wall, the West German writer and filmmaker Alexander Kluge videoed some 30 conversations he had with the East German playwright Heiner Müller, over twenty of which were broadcast on German Television between 1989 and 1998. This essay explores ...
iPhone Burst Mode takes many photos in rapid succession, which is great for moving objects. Sometimes this can work well with fireworks too, so try it out. It’s easy to use, just hold down the Camera button toshoot photos in bursts. This is sort of a variation of the above trick, w...
‘our own history’ to counteract the fact that the En-lightenment came, to colonizer and colonized alike, through colonialism, to sup-portadestructive‘freetrade’,andthattop-downpolicybreachesofEnlightenmentprinciples are more rule than exception.” (Spivak 2012: 4)It is the imagination that can...
The new show will feature a 240ft wide and 35ft tall wall and large-scale projections – Waters says modern projection systems allow them to beam images on to the whole wall, unlike previous shows – as well as dynamic new video graphics and visual images. It will also feature the famous...
London toAmsterdam'scity center takes less than four hours to complete. Round-trip tickets start around $80 per person, a reasonable price given how expensive taxi rides to Heathrow from downtown London can be on a busy day. Traveling to Brussels from London St Pancras is just as easy and...
I had a big steel muck stick in my hand too, and if it persisted I wasn’t opposed to shish kebabbing it down the gullet to make it quit. Fortunately it didn’t come down to murder, but if it was me or the fish, I wasn’t going to lose. Early on our recent trip to the ...
The smell from the toilets and even though we had pull down beds, I was constantly whacking my head off the top of the bed (if anyone reading this has done the journey and they are over 6feet tall they will understand) every time the train hit a bump. And trust me there are a lo...
Similarity to self may therefore modulate the degree to which observers rely on the self/other perspective via a top-down process that focuses attention onto differences in mental states/capacity or altered gaze following (e.g., Slessor et al., 2010). The current research is among a growing...
“In the more severe cases are when it’s harder, because they’re more emotional and they just want to talk about everything, and we just have to be diligent about locking down the dates.” The focus is not on anticipating when clients need breaks but instead being diligent about ...
In northern Siberia, sample plots were collected along the Kochechum River in 2007 and the Kotuykan River in 2008. Both expeditions included transport into the field by helicopter, then boat transport down-river accessing GLAS shots within 2–3 km of the river for ~ 2-week long expeditions....