Byline: DAVID ANDERSONThe Mirror (London, England)
Aram Bartholl, Hannah Hallermann, Verena Issel, Anne Mundo , Nik Nowak, Raul Walch, curated by Anne Mundo & Dirk Teschner. When the Sirens howl (it’s on us) deals with the threats of climate change
The Fall of the Berlin Wall TheFalloftheBerlinWall PostedonNovember4,2009|1CommentsBerlinWallPhotoGalleryPhotographs©AlexandraAvakian/ContactPressImages FallofBerlinWall,11/1989.WestGermansatthewall.E.Germanborderguardsontopofwall,beforethefall.WestGermansattackthewall.EastGermanborderguardsonotherside.West...
Our tour will also take us through what used to be the GDR, German Democratic Republic, aka former East Germany, before the Wall came down in 1989. The city, like others on the Baltic coast, still shows off the monumental Gothic architecture of the Hanseatic era (1400s). The largest ...
(Freude) in Friedrich Schiller’s text at a concert in Berlin in late 1989, just after the fall of the Berlin Wall. Whether or not one agrees with that replacement, Bernstein’s gesture was entirely in keeping with the mood of the times, a symbol of the way in whichthe work has been...
depending on where you’re coming from. I think it would be safe to say that no original buildings have survived since the war and the fact that Postdamer Platz had the Berlin Wall running through it meant that the area was pretty much wasteland for just shy of thirty years. You can ...
"My coach gave me some simple advice before the race, 'get to the wall first.' and I am happy to have followed his advice.” "This was a really fun one, I always love swimming the 50m fly." - Dylan Carter "It's not the first time Dylan and I have tied in the 50 fly. ...
Leibing’s photo instantly made Schumann famous, immortalizing him as the first East German soldier to desert over the wall. Over 2,000 more would follow his example in the coming decades. 1981 Twenty years after his jump, Schumann stands before the iconic photo by Peter Leibing. ...
the opportunity for a courageous 40-minute speech against the dangers of National Socialism. Soon after the Nazis came to power, she fled her native country again, this time to Moscow, where she died the same year of natural causes. Stalin himself carried her urn to the Kremlin Wall ...
After successful Nike+ and Facebook, Roseanne started a run. The run was posted on Roseanne's Facebook wall by default. Her family, friends and coworkers saw that post and were staggered. After all, Roseanne was heavily obese. This nudge makes use ofsocial accountability. When we announce ...