You should refuse any drug until such time you are properly informed about the pros and cons of the treatment. You can also ask for an alternative treatment of your choice, one that you already know is safe and effective with minimal ADEs (Adverse Drug Events.) If possible, have a relativ...
What is the rationale behind combining methotrexate and 5- fluorouracil in cancer treatment? Explain the role of calcium, vitamin D, and vitamin K in bone health. Expalin why Atrazine is a controversial herbicide? Describe the differences of Vitamin K1, K2, and K3. Vitamin K1: phylloquinon...
Estimated timescales of growth of comb layers and orbicular rocks based on comparison with experimental datasets and kinetic fractionation of Calcium isotopes in plagioclase indicate timescales of weeks to months (McCarthy and Müntener, 2016; Antonelli et al., 2019). Such timescales are thus similar...
best practices. We argue that the current status of tissue exportation is ambiguous and requires clarification lest problems that have plagued the developed world occur in the context of global heath research with attendant worsening of inequities. Central to solutions to current ethical concerns ...
In COVID-19, particularly with regard to the emerging variants of concern, viral loads are higher and viral replication is thought to be prolonged. Given that ivermectin hasdemonstrated a strongdose-response relationshipin terms of viral clearance, higher doses have not only been required, but ha...