必应词典为您提供Take-Home-Examination的释义,网络释义: 在家考试;期终考试;
带回家的考试,是这个意思。在家里考试 Test at home 重点词汇释义 考试examination; exam; test; examine 在家里准备阅读考试时,一开始别担心时间。When preparing for the reading test at home, try not to worry about time at first.take home exam网络 带回家考试; 开卷考试;[例句]The tak...
二语习得理论基础Take-home Exam搜索 BAEnglish Schoolof Foreign Languages, Hebust Fundamental Theories of 2nd LanguageAcquisition Take-homeExamination 2012-13 SUPERVISOR:Mr. Peng James Yu BY Pei Ying This work is original and has not been submittedpreviously in support of a degree qualification or ...
举行家考 例句:Catch up and take home examination.赶上进度和在家测验。.很高兴为你解答!如有不懂,请追问。 谢谢!学生可把试题拿回家或宿舍完成的书面考试
Take home examinationIn-class examinationWellbeingAcademic performanceThe current study examines the relative impact of take home (open book) examinations (THE) and in class (closed book) examinations (ICE) on student academic performance and wellbeing outcomes. Specifically, this study contributes to ...
1、HEBEI UNIVERSITY OFSCIEM匚E AND TECHNOLOGYBA EnglishSchool of Foreign Languages, HebustFundamental Theories of 2nd Language AcquisitionTake-home Examination2012-13SUP ERVISOR: Mr. P eng James YuBYPei YingThis work is orig inal and has not bee n submitted p reviouslyin support of a degree ...
Spiegel, T., & Nivette, A. (2021). The relative impact of in-class closed-book versus take-home open-book examination type on academic performance, student knowledge retention and wellbeing.(1), 27–40. 42(2), 161–171. (3), 477–492. ...
Trends in the Nursing Doctoral Comprehensive Examination Process: A National Survey The most common method of implementation was the written take-home test (47%), two thirds of which had a subsequent oral examination. Eleven survey ... BE Mawn,S Goldberg - 《Journal of Professional Nursing》 被...
take an examination/test to have one's knowledge or ability tested formally, often in writing. hacer un examen, examinarsetake (someone) for to believe (mistakenly) that (someone) is (someone or something else). I took you for your brother. tomar a alguien por, confundir...
57. to determine by inquiry, examination, measurement, etc.: to take someone's pulse; to take a census. 58. to have or experience (a feeling or state of mind): to take pride in one's appearance. 59. to form and hold in the mind: to take a gloomy view. 60. to grasp or appreh...