take-home exam是什么意思take-home exam 带回家的考试; 开卷考试 例句: This course includes ...
必应词典为您提供takehomeexam的释义,网络释义: 拿回家作答的考试;另外一种拿回家完成的考试;另外一种拿回家作答的考试;
带回家的考试,是这个意思。在家里考试 Test at home 重点词汇释义 考试examination; exam; test; examine 在家里准备阅读考试时,一开始别担心时间。When preparing for the reading test at home, try not to worry about time at first.take home exam网络 带回家考试; 开卷考试;[例句]The tak...
home exam.本课程包括完整的课堂讲稿,10份课后作业,以及一份开卷的期终考试。Professor Taylor sometimes will give a take-home exam or an open-book exam.泰勒教授有时会进行家庭作业式的考试开卷考试。
The meaning of TAKE-HOME is that may be worked on without supervision outside the classroom. How to use take-home in a sentence.
实际上,正是因为没有课堂考试的限制,才彰显其难度,但是不要以为Take-home Exam就没有要求了,不少同学都在这方面吃过亏,有意或者无意的行为造成了学术不诚信的现象,也有不少学生因此差点被学校开除。 教授采用Take-home Exam的形式,一方面出于对...
Take-home exam 允许学生根据教材、课堂笔记或其他相关材料回答问题,但要求必须在试卷上正确引用;同时学生不可以和除了老师、助教以外的人讨论考试内容,否则即属于抄袭行为。每每到了期中期末的这段时间,术哥都会收到了很多求助信。在这里术哥跟大家分享两个案例,希望大家不要犯类似的错误。
take-home exam 带回家的考试; 开卷考试 例句:This course includes a complete set of lecture notes , 10 problem sets , plus a final take - home exam.本课程包括完整的课堂讲稿, 10份课后作业,以及一份开卷的期终考试。Professor Taylor sometimes will give a take-home exam or an open...
网络拿回家作答的考试 网络释义 1. 拿回家作答的考试 ...的形式、内容、范围等。另外一种是拿回家作答的考试(Take-Home-Exam)这种考试由于没有时间等方面的严格限制,所… www.igo.cn|基于 1 个网页 例句
To understand: couldn't take in the meaning of the word. 6. To deceive or swindle: was taken in by a confidence artist. 7. To convey (a prisoner) to a police station. take off 1. To remove, as clothing: take one's coat off; take off one's shoes. 2. To release: took the ...