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采用AAVpro Extraction Solution从HEK 293T细胞中分离提取AAV2-Up和AAV2-Down病毒粒子(参考protocol overview)。采用AAVpro Titration Kit (for Real Time PCR)检测基因组滴度。3次平行实验的结果表明所获得的AAV2-Up和AAV2-Down基因组滴度相近。 图6. 与质粒转染相比,尤其针对难转染的细胞系,AAVpro CRISPR/Cas9...
• Try increasing the annealing temperature by increments of 2°C, or change to a two-step PCR protocol. • When the template contains small amounts of a target DNA, nested PCR may be effective. For PrimeSTAR HS and PrimeSTAR Max DNA Polymerases: • Check the annealing time setting ...
同时由于反转录试剂中含有抑制DNA分解酶活性的组分,经过gDNA Eraser处理后的样品可以直接进行15 min的反转录反应合成cDNA,因此,20min内即可迅速完成从基因组DNA去除到cDNA合成的全过程。 使用本制品合成的cDNA适用于SYBR Green分析法和TaqMan探针分析法,可以根据实验目的,选择与SYBR Premix Ex Taq II(Tli RNaseH Plus)...
一步定量法TAKARA-onestep SYBR RT-PCR kit
5 5'-Full RACE Core Set Protocol: 1. General Protocol A. 1st Strand cDNA synthesis * USA Version * 1. Prepare the reaction mixture in a tube by combining the following reagents to a total volume of 15 l. poly (A)+ RNA or Total RNA 0.5-5 g 10x RT Buffer 1.5 l RNase Inhibitor ...
TAKARA BIO INC. 5'-Ful l RACE Core Set *USA Version* Protocol : 1.General Protocol A. 1st Strand cDNAsynthesis 1 Preparethe reaction mixture in atube bycombining thefol lowing reagents to atotal volume of 15µl
The following protocol is for real-time PCR using SYBR ® Premix Ex Taq TM (Perfect Real Time) (TaKaRa Cat.#RR04 A) with templates generated with this kit. If per- forming real-time PCR with TaqMan probe detection, TaKaRa recommends use of ...
使用本制品合成的cDNA适用于SYBR Green分析法和TaqMan探针分析法,可以根据实验目的,选择与SYBR Premix Ex Taq II(Tli RNaseH Plus)、Premix Ex Taq(Probe qPCR)等定量试剂组合使用。 ● 试剂盒外必备材料 热循环仪(或37℃水浴,42℃水浴和85℃加热块) ...