基本信息 商标名称太清纺织 TAIQING 申请号21623122国际分类23类-纱线丝商标分类表 商标状态已注册申请日期2016-10-19 申请人太和县太清纺织品原料有限公司查看此申请人的商标分析报告 代理机构北京环信知识产权代理有限公司查看此代理机构下的所有商标 商标类型普通商标是否共有商标否 ...
简介:佟骏 满族 影视演员(长春电影制片厂演员剧团)现居北京,爱好:射箭,骑马,羽毛球等 ,能演奏:扬琴,古琴,口琴,钢琴,秦琴,杴琴,二弦子,尤克里里,吉他,萨克斯,爵士鼓,唢呐,竹笛,萧,埙,巴乌,口弦,弓胡,葫芦丝,二胡,琵琶等乐器,能唱快板书,二人转等。影视代表作有《非常公民》《八路军》《大南迁》《战犯》《新...
网络太清宫 网络释义 1. 太清宫 Geographical Index - China Tourist... ... Mt Laoshan 崂山Taiqing Palace太清宫Taishan 泰山 ... www.bookchinaonline.com|基于3个网页
The Taiqing Palace, a sacred Taoist Palace, lies on the southern slopes of the famous Mt. Laoshan in Qingdao. It is said that there were once nine palaces, eight temples and seventy-two nunneries on the mountain when Taoism was at its height of prosperity. Of all the existing buildings ...
Taiqing Palace is a place of worship in Shandong, North China. Taiqing Palace is situated nearby to 崂山风景名胜区太清游览区, as well as near the waterfall Longtan Fall.Map Directions Satellite Photo MapType: Place of worship Category: religion Location: Shandong, North China, China, East ...
Taiqing Palace is a famous Taoist holy place in China. There are many different places called Taiqing Palace. The most famous include: 1.**Taiqing Palace in Luyi County, Henan Province**: located in Taiqing Palace Town, Luyi County, Zhoukou City, Henan Province, is the birthplace of the...
道樂之聲 Taoist music道德天尊宝诰志心皈命礼,随方设教,历劫度人。为皇者师,帝者师,王者师,假名易号。立天之道,地之道,人之道,隐圣显凡。总千二百之官君。包万亿重之梵炁。化行今古,著道德凡五千言。主握阴阳,命雷霆用九五数。大悲大愿,大圣大慈,太上老君,道
Taiqing PalacePalace of Heaven 太清宫汉英翻译 Palace of Heaven太清宫; 词组短语 崂山太清宫yym 太清宫镇Taiqinggong Twon 双语例句 1. In the Taiqing Palace at the southern foot of Mount Laoshan, they emulated a legendary Taoist priest by trying to walk through the wall. ...