I am generating PDFs usingSpatie's BrowserShot, and usingemulateMedia('print'). It also fails to heed these styles when I use a browser's normal print function. Any idea why these print styles are not working? This reply was automagically generated by our local A.I. Think of it as a...
For making a website responsive we need to use the media query i.e.'@media’along with the min-width or max-width parameters. But as we are using the power of Tailwind CSS, to help us with the responsive design we don’t want to write the media query, the tailwind does it for us...
A general and common approach is to write CSS styles for large devices first and then modify them using media queries for smaller devices. But in the mobile-first approach, we write styles for smaller devices first and then use media queries to modify these styles for larger devices. In ...
use: ['style-loader', 'css-loader', 'postcss-loader'], }, ], }, } 使用命令 npm install -D tailwindcss 引入Tailwind 使用命令 npx tailwindcss init 创建用于初始化 Tailwind 的配置文件—— tailwind.config.js 修改tailwind.config.js,允许 Tailwind 控制当前目录下所有后缀为 html 的文件 /** @...
对于有hover,media-query的,可以多写几行区分,如: .custom{@applytext-[30px]leading-[37px]text-whitealign-middleml-[12px]mr-[4px]font-bebasNeue;@applymd:text-[40px]md:leading-[50px];@applyhover:text-red;} 对于简单的项目可以这样,对于复杂点的项目(如果设计稿是组件化标准...
If you want to use @apply to include styles from an existing class and ensure they are !important, you need to explicitly add !important to the end of each property in your custom CSS./* The .card class without !important */ .card { padding: 1rem; background-color: #edf2f7; ...
portrait 竖屏,@media (orientation: portrait) landscape 横屏 dark @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) motion-reduce 一个CSS媒体查询,它可以用来检测用户是否在设备上启用了减少非必要动画或运动的设置 motion-safe 当用户没有设置 prefers-reduced-motion 时才添加样式 ...
Breakpoints and media queries You can also use variant modifiers to target media queries like responsive breakpoints, dark mode, prefers-reduced-motion, and more. For example, use md:direction-normal to apply the direction-normal utility at only medium screen sizes and above. <!-- ... ...
baseSelector (default "" (empty string) if you only use media queries to activate your themes, otherwise ":root"): the selector that each theme's selector will be applied to to determine the active theme. fallback (default false): when none of the given media queries or selectors are...
Instead, use a regular media query along with thetheme()function to reference your screen sizes, or simply don't nest your@screendirectives. Use a regular media query and theme() .card{@applyrounded-none;@media(min-width:theme('screens.sm')){@applyrounded-lg;}} ...