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Custom media queries If you need to provide a completely custom media query for a breakpoint, you can do so using an object with arawkey: // tailwind.config.jsmodule.exports={theme:{extend:{screens:{'portrait':{'raw':'(orientation: portrait)'},// => @media (orientation: portrait) {...
The screen() function in Tailwind CSS lets you create media queries using named breakpoints, avoiding the need to repeat values in your CSS.Example@media screen(md) { /* Styles for medium screens and up */ } This will be converted into a standard media query for the specified breakpoint ...
对于较长的,比如超过5个class的就设定个自定义class, 然后用这个class apply你要写的tailwindcss类名。 对于有hover,media-query的,可以多写几行区分,如: .custom { @apply text-[30px] leading-[37px] text-white align-middle ml-[12px] mr-[4px] font-bebasNeue; @apply md:text-[40px] md:le...
@media screen(xl) { body { @apply bg-black text-white; } } (3)使用 Webpack 与 PostCSS 环境 Webpack 是一个模块打包工具,可以将带有依赖的模块打包成静态资源,官网链接 PostCSS 是一个用 JavaScript 工具和插件转换 CSS 代码的工具,官网链接 创建一个目录作为 Tailwind 项目的根目录 在该目录下,使用...
media-query duplicates its generated styles #14222 openedAug 20, 2024byTobitubbie referencing tailwind extended types in js with Nextjs framework #14212 openedAug 17, 2024byMiguelG97 1 [v4] It seems that Oxide can't work with CSS Modules ...
@media screen(md) { /*will be applied for min-width = 640px */ }Community Support and PluginsPlugins allow the developers to extend the functionalities of the Tailwind CSS framework by adding custom utilities, functions, styles, and components. Tailwind supports both official and third-party pl...
@mediascreen(sm){/* ... */} This will resolve to the underlying screen value at build-time, generating a regular media query that matches specified breakpoint: @media(min-width:640px){/* ... */} From the creators of Tailwind CSS ...
To learn more, check out the documentation on Responsive Design, Dark Mode and other media query modifiers. Using custom values Customizing your theme By default, Tailwind provides animation-direction utilities for all of the built-in browser keyword options. You can customize these values by editin...
portrait 竖屏,@media (orientation: portrait) landscape 横屏 dark @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) motion-reduce 一个CSS媒体查询,它可以用来检测用户是否在设备上启用了减少非必要动画或运动的设置 motion-safe 当用户没有设置 prefers-reduced-motion 时才添加样式 ...