The line-clamp utility class in Tailwind CSS allows you to truncate text and limit it to a specified number of lines, while also adding an ellipsis (...) to indicate that the text has been truncated.Tailwind Line Clamp The line-clamp utility class in Tailwind CSS allows you to truncate ...
Use theline-clamp-*utilities to truncate a block of text after a specific number of lines. Mar 10, 2020 Boost your conversion rate Nulla dolor velit adipisicing duis excepteur esse in duis nostrud occaecat mollit incididunt deserunt sunt. Ut ut sunt laborum ex occaecat eu tempor labore ...
Use class name line-clamp-no-ellipsis-{lineNumber} to define how many lines to truncate. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Sit eum illum modi nobis nisi similique quasi obcaecati, ipsa eos quaerat. To remove line clamping, use line-clamp-no-ellipsis-none: Lorem...
💼 Truncate Multiline - Adds utilities to truncate multi-line text elements. 💼 CSS Logical Properties - Generate utilities for CSS Logical Properties. 💼 Tooltip Arrows After - Adds CSS utilities for tooltip arrows with configurable border and background. 💼 Bidirectional - Adds utilities for...
Line-clamp out of the box: Truncate multi-line text without a plugin. New line-height modifier: Set your font-size and line-height with one class. CSS variables without the var(): New shorthand syntax for arbitrary values. Configurable font-variation-settings: Baked directly into your font-...
text truncation can be added using.truncate, and opacity can be cut by half using .opacity-50. Almost every defined CSS rule has a corresponding utility class, and all utility classes are named using easy-to-remember conventions that are indicative of the underlying rule itself. At first, it...
truncate text-ellipsis text-clip Text Indent 用于控制块中文本前显示的空白空间量的实用程序 indent-0 indent-px indent-0.5 indent-1 indent-1.5 indent-2 indent-2.5 indent-3 indent-3.5 indent-4 indent-5 indent-6 indent-7 indent-8 indent-9 indent-10 indent-11 indent-12 indent-14 indent-...
New @apply implementation, slight backwards incompatibilities with previous behavior (#2159) Make theme retrieve the expected resolved value when theme value is complex (e13f083c4) Move truncate class to textOverflow core plugin (#2562) Remove scrolling-touch and scrolling-auto utilities (#2573) ...
Move truncate class to textOverflow core plugin (#2562) Removed target feature and dropped any compatibility with IE 11 (#2571) Switch normalize.css to modern-normalize (#2572) Remove scrolling-touch and scrolling-auto utilities (#2573) Change special use of 'default' in config to 'DEFAULT'...
ellreka/tailwindcss-highlightPublic NotificationsYou must be signed in to change notification settings Fork7 Star30 Files main .github .vscode assets sample src utils defaultConfig.ts extension.ts tests .eslintignore .eslintrc.js .gitignore ...