@theme{--font-sans:"Inter",sans-serif;--font-mono:"IBM Plex Mono",monospace;--text-tiny:0.625rem;--text-tiny--line-height:1.5rem;--color-mint-100:oklch(0.97 0.15 145);--color-mint-200:oklch(0.92 0.18 145);--color-mint-300:oklch(0.85 0.22 145);--color-mint-400:oklch(0.78 ...
Tailwind CSS allows you to apply line clamp classes responsively at different breakpoints. To use responsive line clamp classes, you can append the breakpoint prefix to the utility class. For example, md:line-clamp-2 limits the text to two lines starting from the medium breakpoint and above....
Break Keep Use thebreak-keeputility to prevent line breaks from being applied to Chinese/Japanese/Korean (CJK) text: 抗衡不屈不挠 (kànghéng bùqū bùnáo) 这是一个长词,意思是不畏强暴,奋勇抗争,坚定不移,永不放弃。这个词通常用来描述那些在面对困难和挑战时坚持自己信念的人,他们克服一切困难,不...
userSelect The user-select utilities like select-text verticalAlign The vertical-align utilities like align-middle visibility The visibility utilities like visible whitespace The whitespace utilities like whitespace-pre width The width utilities like w-0.5 wordBreak The word-break utilities like break-wor...
Tailwind CSS Text Decoration Thickness Tailwind CSS Text Decoration Tailwind CSS Transform Origin Tailwind CSS Text Indent Tailwind CSS Transform Tailwind CSS Translate Tailwind CSS Vertical Align Tailwind CSS Whitespace Tailwind CSS Width Tailwind CSS Word Break Tailwind Border Color Thank you!About...
Theelement can be used to add aline throughthe text. Default Styles:line-through render(<<<'HTML' This is a CLI app built with Termwind. HTML); Theelement can be used to do a line break. render(<<<'HTML' This is a CLI...
"linebreak-style": [ "error", "unix" ], "no-useless-call": "off", "space-before-function-paren": [ "error", { "anonymous": "always", "named": "never", "asyncArrow": "always" } ] } } 编辑.prettierrc.js文件 module.exports = { ...
Cancel Create saved search Sign in Sign up Reseting focus {{ message }} coderPerseus / blog Public forked from axin-s-Template/Nextjs-Boilerplate Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings Fork 2 Star 2 ...
required 可以选择和样式化任何带有required属性的、或<textarea>元素 valid 输入有效时的样式 invalid 输入无效时的样式 in-range 当输入的值在指定的范围限制内时 out-of-range 当输入的值超出指定范围限制时 placeholder-shown 显示占位符时设置输入样式 autofill 自动填充...
text-end Text Decoration 用于控制文本装饰的实用程序 underline overline line-through no-underline Text Color 用于控制元素文本颜色的实用程序 text-inherit text-current text-transparent text-black text-white text-slate-50 text-slate-100 text-slate-200 text-slate-300 text-slate-400 text-slate-500 text...