你必须把你的卡片放在一个flex的 Package 类中,然后你可以像这样使用flex size:
你必须把你的卡片放在一个flex的 Package 类中,然后你可以像这样使用flex size:
Batch reading content files to preventtoo many open fileserror (#12079) Skip over classes inside:not(…)when nested in an at-rule (#12105) Update types to work withNode16module resolution (#12097) Don’t crash when important and parent selectors are equal in@apply(#12112) Eliminate irreleva...
New text overflow utilitiesUp until v2.0, if you wanted to control overflowing text all we really gave you was the fairly heavy-handed truncate utility.Now we’ve added dedicated overflow-ellipsis and overflow-clip utilities to control just the text-overflow property, in case you wanted to...
Note: Although this is a bugfix it could affect your site if you were working around the bug in your own code by not prefixing the .group class. I'm sorry 😞 Fixed Fixes a bug where the .group class was not receiving the user's configured prefix when using the prefix option 1.2...
overflow-clip/ellipsis Those damn browser developers added a realoverflow: clipproperty, so usingoverflow-clipfortext-overflow: clipis a really bad idea now. We’ve renamedoverflow-cliptotext-clip, and renamedoverflow-ellipsistotext-ellipsisto avoid the naming collision: ...
Rename overflow-clip to text-clip and overflow-ellipsis to text-ellipsis (#5630) Added Add native aspect-ratio utilities (#5359) Unify config callback helpers into single object (#5382) Preserve original color format when adding opacity whenever possible (#5154) Add accent-color utilities (#5387...
Add overflow-ellipsis and overflow-clip utilities (#1289) Add transform-gpu to force hardware acceleration on transforms when desired (#1380) Extend default spacing scale (#2630, 7f05204) Add spacing scale to inset plugin (#2630) Add percentage sizes to translate, inset, and height plugins (...
ellipsis" aria-current="page" class="bg-white text-gray-600 ring-1 ring-inset ring-gray-300 relative z-10 inline-flex items-center px-4 py-2 text-xs font-semibold focus:z-20 focus-visible:outline focus-visible:outline-2 focus-visible:outline-offset-2 focus-visible:outline-indigo-600" ...
Rename overflow-clip to text-clip and overflow-ellipsis to text-ellipsis (#5630) Added Add native aspect-ratio utilities (#5359) Unify config callback helpers into single object (#5382) Preserve original color format when adding opacity whenever possible (#5154) Add accent-color utilities (#5387...