Rename overflow-clip to text-clip and overflow-ellipsis to text-ellipsis (#5630) Added Add native aspect-ratio utilities (#5359) Unify config callback helpers into single object (#5382) Preserve original color format when adding opacity whenever possible (#5154) Add accent-color utilities (#5387...
Added overflow-ellipsis and overflow-clip utilities (#1289) Add transform-gpu to force hardware acceleration on transforms when beneficial (#1380) Extended spacing scale (#2630) Add spacing scale to inset plugin (#2630) Enable useful relative sizes for more plugins (#2630) Extend font size sc...
This configuration tells Tailwind CSS to remove any unused styles in production by scanning all.htmland.tsfiles in thesrcdirectory. We need to import Tailwind CSS into our global styles file. Open thesrc/styles.cssfile and add the following lines: @tailwindbase;@tailwindcomponents;@tailwindutiliti...
text-ellipsis text-clip Text Indent 用于控制块中文本前显示的空白空间量的实用程序 indent-0 indent-px indent-0.5 indent-1 indent-1.5 indent-2 indent-2.5 indent-3 indent-3.5 indent-4 indent-5 indent-6 indent-7 indent-8 indent-9 indent-10 indent-11 indent-12 indent-14 indent-16 i...
'whitespace-nowrap overflow-hidden overflow-ellipsis', tagWrapperBreak: 'whitespace-normal break-all', tagRemove: 'flex items-center justify-center p-1 mx-0.5 rounded-sm hover:bg-black hover:bg-opacity-10 group', tagRemoveIcon: 'bg-multiselect-remove bg-center bg-no-repeat opacity-30 inline...
'whitespace-nowrap overflow-hidden overflow-ellipsis', tagWrapperBreak: 'whitespace-normal break-all', tagRemove: 'flex items-center justify-center p-1 mx-0.5 rounded-sm hover:bg-black hover:bg-opacity-10 group', tagRemoveIcon: 'bg-multiselect-remove bg-center bg-no-repeat opacity-30 inline...
'whitespace-nowrap overflow-hidden overflow-ellipsis', tagWrapperBreak: 'whitespace-normal break-all', tagRemove: 'flex items-center justify-center p-1 mx-0.5 rounded-sm hover:bg-black hover:bg-opacity-10 group', tagRemoveIcon: 'bg-multiselect-remove bg-center bg-no-repeat opacity-30 inline...
Changed the default value of transitionDurationStep and animationDurationStep from 250 to 50 Changed the ellipsis, hyphens, textUnset, caps, nums, ligatures, fluidContainer, and triangles utilities to use the defaultVariants by default rather than only the responsive variant2.1.1 - 2019-11-13Chang...
text-ellipsis text-clip Text Indent 用于控制块中文本前显示的空白空间量的实用程序 indent-0 indent-px indent-0.5 indent-1 indent-1.5 indent-2 indent-2.5 indent-3 indent-3.5 indent-4 indent-5 indent-6 indent-7 indent-8 indent-9 indent-10 indent-11 indent-12 indent-14 indent-16 inden...
text-ellipsis text-clip Text Indent 用于控制块中文本前显示的空白空间量的实用程序 indent-0 indent-px indent-0.5 indent-1 indent-1.5 indent-2 indent-2.5 indent-3 indent-3.5 indent-4 indent-5 indent-6 indent-7 indent-8 indent-9 indent-10 indent-11 indent-12 indent-14 indent-16 inden...