truncateoverflow:hidden;text-overflow:ellipsis;white-space:nowrap; text-ellipsistext-overflow:ellipsis; text-cliptext-overflow:clip; Basic usage Truncate Usetruncateto prevent text from wrapping and truncate overflowing text with an ellipsis (…) if needed. ...
Beloved Manhattan soup stand closesNew Yorkers are facing the winter chill... Preventing text from wrapping Use thetext-nowraputility to prevent text from wrapping, allowing it to overflow if necessary: Beloved Manhattan soup stand closes New Yorkers are facing the...
<textarea className="m-0 resize-none box-border flex-1 h-full bg-transparent overflow-y-auto focus:ring-0 focus-visible:ring-0 leading-7 w-full text-white" />
设置换行,使某一项超出窗口:flex-wrap 1 2 3 4 列、间隙、顺序 创建一个 Flexbox,设置为纵向排列 1 <
在右侧,我们放置了导航链接。我们以不同的方式设置Home链接的样式,表明它是活动链接。我们还从边缘移动了导航并将其设置为在溢出(overflow-x-hidden)时隐藏。导航将hidden在移动设备上隐藏(),在中型及更高版本上设置为flex()。md:flex 您可以在文档中阅读有关响应性的更多信息。
<textarea className="m-0 resize-none box-border flex-1 h-full bg-transparent overflow-y-auto focus:ring-0 focus-visible:ring-0 leading-7 w-full text-white" /> 如果,让你去接手上面的页面,我感觉你会抓狂到想骂人的。所有,为了引起不必要的麻烦,我们需要做出改变。 解决方案:积极采用基于组件...
Addtext-wraputilities includingtext-balanceandtext-pretty(#11320,#12031) Extend defaultopacityscale to include all steps of 5 (#11832) Update Preflighthtmlstyles to include shadow DOM:hostpseudo-class (#11200) Increase default values forgrid-rows-*utilities from 1–6 to 1–12 (#12180) ...
tailwindcss 的命名规范很统一,具有唯一性的样式属性会直接作为对应的类名,例如block, absolute, flex, top-0, overflow-hidden, whitespace-nowrap, border, border-black只看名称就能唯一确定属性,符合开发直觉。 block->display: block absolute->position: absolute ...
\n\n\n\n\nn \xc2\xb0\nSong\nBest Singers\n\n\n\
Use word-wrap and overflow-wrap together, not one or the other since word-wrap is IE-only 1.9.1 - 2020-10-14 Fixed Don't import corePlugins in resolveConfig to avoid bundling browser-incompatible code (#2548) 1.9.0 - 2020-10-12 Added Add new presets config option (#2474) Scaffold...