设置换行,使某一项超出窗口:flex-wrap 1 2 3 4 列、间隙、顺序 创建一个 Flexbox,设置为纵向排列 1 <
Tailwind CSS - Text Wrap - Tailwind CSS Text Wrap is a collection of predefined classes that control text wrapping within its container, offering options for normal wrapping, wrapping words to the next line, or preventing wrapping altogether.
Tailwind CSS - Text Decoration Thickness Tailwind CSS - Text Underline Offset Tailwind CSS - Text Transform Tailwind CSS - Text Overflow Tailwind CSS - Text Wrap Tailwind CSS - Text Indent Tailwind CSS - Vertical Align Tailwind CSS - Whitespace Tailwind CSS - Word Break Tailwind CSS - Hyphens ...
text-nowrap text-wrap: nowrap; text-balance text-wrap: balance; text-pretty text-wrap: pretty; Examples Allowing text to wrap Use thetext-wraputility to wrap overflowing text onto multiple lines at logical points in the text: Beloved Manhattan soup stand closes ...
(--scroll), transparent 0);">Minimal Blog<svgclass="fill-current h-3 w-3"viewBox="0 0 20 20"xmlns="http://
Provisioning Run Code Online (Sandbox Code Playgroud) 现在模板呈现如下 正如您所看到的,文本Provisioning没有对齐。如何解决这个问题? 代码笔 我正在使用line Awesome 字体,类似于 font-awesome htmlcsstailwind-css Sho*_*obi 2020 08-08 2 推荐指数 1 解决办法...
bg-norepeat->background: no-repeat text-[#333]->color: #333 w-[200px]->width: 200px h-[200px]->height: 200px whitespace-nowrap->white-space: nowrap transition-opacity->transition-property: opacity;transition-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 0.2, 1);transition-duration: 150ms; ...
更新whitespace-no-wrap 和flex-no-wrap 只是直接替换,对于 gap 功能类,我们建议将 col-gap- 替换为 gap-x-,将 row-gap- 替换为 gap-y-,以便一次性处理所有尺寸。 如果需要的话,为 fontWeight 启用 hover 和 focus 功能。 fontWeight 插件的 hover 和focus 变体已经被默认禁用,因为像这样改变字体重量往往会...
Even though it's probably a bad idea, and historically I've had a hard time making it look good. This"wrap the code blocks in backticks"trick works pretty well though really. Another thing I've done in the past is put acodetag inside of a link, like if I wanted to tell you abou...
flex-wrap:当子元素超出容器宽度时换行。 justify-start、justify-end、justify-center、justify-between、justify-around:控制子元素在主轴上的对齐方式。 items-start、items-end、items-center、items-baseline、items-stretch:控制子元素在交叉轴上的对齐方式。