我不相信 CodePen 对 Tailwind CSS 有任何本机支持,所以我假设您正在使用 CDN。 因此,要将 @apply 与CDN 版本一起使用,按照文档: 3.尝试添加一些自定义 CSS 使用 type="text/tailwindcss" 添加支持所有 Tailwind CSS 功能的自定义 CSS。 <style type="text/tailwindcss"> @layer utilities { .content-auto...
Some might argue that overriding the framework with our own CSS is an option, but if we override a lot, then is there really any point in using the framework? We’d be pulling in the library and still writing our own code — this is just more files to worry about, and we ...
It means we can’t redefine variables on a selector to create our themes. ie11CustomProperties This polyfill option involves serving a client-side script, rather than preprocessing the CSS. We can add the following script to our head to ensure the polyfill will only be loaded in IE 11: <...
Tailwind-CSS-chatbox A working chat box where you can send messages but they wont respond, it will just send the text that you inputted. Demo: https://codepen.io/rachel-abarilles/full/KKadvZV First, type in anything in the input box. Like I said, they won't respond but you can on...
Removing unused CSS Basic usage To get started, provide an array of paths to all of your template files using thepurgeoption: // tailwind.config.jsmodule.exports={purge:['./src/**/*.html','./src/**/*.vue','./src/**/*.jsx',],theme:{},variants:{},plugins:[],} ...
For this example, we create the HTML component using Tailwind CSS classnames but we expose a React component that looks like this: <Dropdown options={\["Edit", "Duplicate", "Archive", "Move", "Delete"\]} onOptionSelect={(option) => { ...