我不相信 CodePen 对 Tailwind CSS 有任何本机支持,所以我假设您正在使用 CDN。 因此,要将 @apply 与CDN 版本一起使用,按照文档: 3.尝试添加一些自定义 CSS 使用 type="text/tailwindcss" 添加支持所有 Tailwind CSS 功能的自定义 CSS。 <style type="text/tailwindcss"> @layer utilities { .content-auto...
Tailwind CSS Blogs Component Blog Tailwind components are sections that provide users with relevant information in the form of an article with rich details and in-depth reviews. Compatible browsers:Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari Responsive:yes Dependencies:- Tailwind version:2.2.19 Author TailG...
Tailwind CSS tabs by zoltanszogyenyi have got you covered. Specify an array of Tailwind CSS class names for the current tab element, and another array for the inactive ones. You can even set a callback function when a new tab is shown. It’s all about customization. React Tailwind CSS ...
Lo-fi Tailwind CSS Accordion Menu: codepen.io/robstinson/pen/LYZProy Accordion Variant 1, Accordion Variant 2, Accordion With default panel open: kimia-ui.vercel.app/components/accordion Collapse: kimia-ui.vercel.app/components/collapse Expand & Collapse, No JS: tailwindcomponents.com/component/...
Tailwind-CSS-chatbox A working chat box where you can send messages but they wont respond, it will just send the text that you inputted. Demo: https://codepen.io/rachel-abarilles/full/KKadvZV First, type in anything in the input box. Like I said, they won't respond but you can on...
例如:https://codepen.io/junchow/pen/MWKbrBR?editors=1000 translate 扭曲skew CSS的变形函数skew提供了2D倾斜变形,即在二维平面内实现扭曲变形的效果,简单来说就是对盒子沿着基点进行倾斜,因此skew变形函数参数的单位是角度值。 根据坐标轴方向可将skew函数细分为三个子函数 ...
CSS伪类(pseudo-class)用来添加选择器的特殊效果,CSS伪类选择器会根据条件匹配组件,但不一定是由DOM树定义的。CSS伪类是添加到选择器上的关键字,用于为指定要选择的元素的特殊状态添加样式。 CSS伪类允许设置元素状态的样式,以及DOM树种现有但不能通过其他选择器作为目标的元素,而无需添加任何选择器。
Tailwind is a popular utility-first CSS framework that provides low-level class names to web developers. It does not have any JavaScript and works well with existing frameworks such as React, Vue, Angular, Ember, and others. Whilst this is positive, it c