Free open source Tailwind CSS starter templates and components to get you started quickly to creating websites in Tailwind CSS!
css-to-tailwind jackardiospublished 1.0.5 • a year agopublished version 1.0.5, a year ago M Q P Maintenance: 28%. Quality: 64%. Popularity: 4%. @sarf_alam/css-to-tailwindcss CSS to TailwindCSS converter convert converter conversion css postcss tailwind tailwindcss css-to-tailwind sarf...
CSS vendor prefixer and property alias mapper preset for twind twind tw-in-js tailwind tailwindcss tailwind-in-js twind-preset preset sastanpublished 1.0.7 • 2 years agopublished 1.0.7 2 years ago M Q P @twind/preset-line-clamp A twind preset that provides utilities for visually trun...
Tailwind is a utility-first CSS framework comprising single-purpose utility classes that can be used to style an HTML webpage. In contrast to other frameworks, Tailwind doesn’t come with predefined CSS component classes. Instead, it consists of CSS utility or helper classes resembling CSS ...
Flexbox Grid Font Size Tailwind 的文档,是非常好的帮助我们上手的资料。当需要使用某一类型的类时,可以很快的找到。在页面中敲击/,可以快速聚焦到 search bar 上。 Tailwind 的优点 当我们使用 Bootstrap,或者其他类似的框架时,我们有大量的预编译好现成的组件可以直接使用,如card,navbar以及其他。当我们要自定义...
Semantic CSS | Atomic/Utility-First CSS Semantic CSS 要制作一个 button 按钮的样式,我们一般会在 html 或者 jsx 结构中添加富有语义化的 class 类名,随后在 css 样式中写入对应类的样式。例如:制作一个 danger 样式的 Button 按钮。 Button .danger-button...
Search or jump to... Sign in Sign up Reseting focus OverviewRepositories28ProjectsPackagesStars48 More Tailwind Toolboxtailwindtoolbox Follow Free HTML Starter Templates and Components for Tailwind CSS 863followers·0following ...
box-border盒模型 18 案例:box-content盒模型 19 isplay样式类 20 案例:块元素和行内块元素 21 案例:contents幻影容器 22 案例:table表格布局 23 案例:hidden隐藏元素 24 loat样式类 25 案例:float-right右侧浮动 26 案例:float-left左侧浮动 27 案例:clear-both清除浮动 28 bject-fit样式类 29 案例:object...
Tailwind CSS bridges the gap between design and dev more than anything else. It reintroduces context to development, limits cognitive load with choice architecture, grants access to a token library out of the box and is incredibly easy to pickup. It helped my design career so much. Corey Gin...