A Vue 3 component for creating tabbed interfaces easily Mar 12, 2024 A Pokemon game built with Vue and Tailwind CSS Mar 11, 2024 A Color Wheel Picker for Vue Mar 04, 2024 An audio player for Vue 3 based on Vuetify 3 Feb 29, 2024...
tailwind tailwindcss css-in-js babel-plugin babel-plugin-macros ben-rogerson •3.4.1•a year ago•156dependents•MITpublished version3.4.1,a year ago156dependentslicensed under $MIT 259,371 @savvywombat/tailwindcss-grid-areas A plugin to provide Tailwind CSS utilities for grid areas. ...
css-in-js styled-components css tailwindcss tailwind tailwindcss-plugin tailwindcss-ui mathias_gilson •2.2.0•2 years ago•18dependents•MITpublished version2.2.0,2 years ago18dependentslicensed under $MIT 64,103 eslint-plugin-readable-tailwind ...
GeminiCoder,这是一款使用 Google 的 Gemini API、Next.js 和 Tailwind CSS 生成完整 Web 应用的工具,通过 ... 11910 ida mipsrop 简单使用githubmipspluginssearch程序 用户1423082 2024-12-31 https://github.com/devttys0/ida/blob/master/plugins/mipsrop/mipsrop.py 7010 HarmonyOS 开发实践 —— 基于...
Tailwind CSS Download ZIPPreviewReusable wrappers#If you will use a SearchField in multiple places in your app, you can wrap all of the pieces into a reusable component. This way, the DOM structure, styling code, and other logic are defined in a single place and reused everywhere to ensure...
Code Issues Pull requests simple and RESTful API for getting lyrics of any song made using Next.js and Tailwind CSS api nextjs lyrics api-rest hacktoberfest lyrics-fetcher lyrics-generator lyrics-search lyrics-finder lyrics-api chakra-ui lyrics-app Updated Jan 1, 2025 TypeScript Mai...
RunSKIP_WEB=1 modal run main.pyto spawn a parallel Modal job that downloads and embeds all images in the dataset usingCLIP, saving the results todata/embeddings.hdf5. Runmodal deploy main.pyto create the web endpoint, which then gives you a public URL such ashttps://ekzhang--dispict-su...
Another feature of this plugin is “fuzzy match,” which is my personal favorite. What this does is match partial keywords supplied in the search query. For example, if you can’t remember the exact name of a particular plugin, say “Relevanssi” you can type “relevant” and SearchWP woul...
There is also aresults counterwhich shows how many items there are available for the particular keyword you are interested in. DownloadPreview Colorlib Search Form v8 Are you needing even more free search form examples based on CSS3 and HTML5? If that is the case, keep scrolling and enjoying...
1, How are you using the tw-elements? Just from the zip without any bundlers? Or are you using any bundlers? We recommand using bundlers like vite with tailwind. 2, Looks like you have a darkmode enabled in your system. Do you have thedarkMode: "class",added to yourtailwind.config...