not working :'-( dospolov commented Feb 1, 2023 Same for me prettier-plugin-tailwindcss: 0.2.2 prettier: 2.8.3 nodejs: 18.9.1 npm: 8.19.1 vite: 4.0.4 react: 18.2.0 VScode: 1.74.3 OS: Windows 11 rolanday commented Feb 1, 2023 interestingly, I installed on T3 this evening (...
Roh*_*ali 6 css tailwind-css .card { position: relative; background-color: grey; display: block; width: 300px; min-height: 90px; cursor: pointer; padding: 15px; margin: calc(50vh - 30px) auto 0 auto; } .card::before { content: ''; position: absolute; left: -5px; top: -...
failed to load config from D:\internship\sample-test\vite.config.js Error: The specified module could not be found. \?\D:\internship\sample-test\node_modules@tailwindcss\oxide-win32-x64-msvc\tailwindcss-oxide.win32-x64-msvc.node at Module._extensions..node (node:internal/modules/cjs/loade...
after:block after:origin-center after:scale-x-0 after:border-b-4 after:transition-all after:...
A step-by-step guide on how to solve the issue where your tailwind cSS classes don't work in Vanilla HTML & CSS or React.js projects.
Install Tailwind CSS Open the embeddedTerminal(AltF12) . To install Tailwind CSS, type: npminstall-D tailwindcss To generate a configuration file, type: npx tailwindcss init As result, atailwind.config.jsconfiguration file is created in the root of your project. ...
Hello, After I successfully figured out how to set up my Dockerfile to support Rust (for package Explorer) I run into an error with mix assets.deploy as it misses TailwindCSS: NODE_ENV=production tailwindcss --postcss …
If you’re working in a JavaScript framework like React or Vue that supports directly importing CSS files into your JS, you can also skip creating a CSS file altogether and importtailwindcss/tailwind.cssinstead which has all of these directives already in place: ...
Tailwind CSS - Break After - Tailwind CSS break-after is a utility class that provides control to force a column break or page break after an element.
Since Tailwind is an abstraction over CSS,. Which is what debugging essentially is - reverse engineering your own code. Working backwards from an unexpected result to the reason behind it. Say, you haven't touched your CSS in months. You can't just "remember" what might be wrong with that...