/** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */ module.exports = { purge: ["./src/components/**/*.tsx", "./pages/**/*.tsx"], theme: { extend: {}, }, variants: {}, plugins: [require("tailwindcss"), require("precss"), require("autoprefixer")], }; Share Improve this answe...
and removed all from .scss class. And i see new added tailwind classes are not working, while looks like previos ones are. Am i doing something wrong? UPD#1: Once again - tailwind installed and working as expected, i'm experiencing issue with two new added classesoverflow-hidden whitespace...
A step-by-step guide on how to solve the issue where your tailwind cSS classes don't work in Vanilla HTML & CSS or React.js projects.
当然 Tailwind CSS 也有几个可以说是硬伤的缺陷:CSS 样式复用了,类名冗余了 CSS 规则都是元子性的...
与普通CSS相比,在普通CSS中,你可以为两个按钮使用一个类名,并为不同的变体使用修饰符或变量: Blue button Red button 你可以为两个按钮使用一个类名,并为不同的变体使用修饰符或变量。这使你的代码简洁一致,并且你可以在一个地方更改有关按钮的某些内容。 它产生巨大的CSS文件,损害性能 Tailwind CSS的另...
Describe the problem: Using tailwind in post-css compatibility mode I've got tailwind 2.0 installed and the build process runs, however now I want to set up a config file so I can add custom colors etcetera. I run the npx tailwindcss ini...
特殊的@theme指令告诉 Tailwind CSS 根据这些变量提供新的实用程序和变体,让您可以在标记中使用类似3xl:text-neon-lime的类: Data toenrichyour online business 添加新的 CSS 变量的行为类似于较早版本框架中的extend,但您可以通过清除命名空间来覆盖整个变量集合,例如在定义所有自定义值之前使用--color-*: initial...
猜测是和 TailwindCSS的 darkMode 的 class 机制有关。 解决 修改tailwind.config.js: 代码语言:javascript 复制 module.exports={//...//darkMode: 'class' //修改前darkMode:['class',"[class~='dark']"]// 修改后//...} 参考 dark: not working in @apply (tailwind 2.0.1) · tailwindlabs/tai...
Tailwind CSS has revolutionized the way developers think about styling in web development. As a utility-first CSS framework, it offers a new approach to designing interfaces with speed and efficiency. One of its strengths lies in its flexibility and e
tailwindcss 基于比组件更小、更灵活的工具类思想的 CSS 框架。这个思想简单来说就是用 class 保证灵活、便于自定义组件,而不是在组件基础上实现个性化。 简短的概括: 发现问题:项目中css代码痛点 复制 .mock { margin: auto; font-size: 16px; // ... ...