盒子阴影颜色:shadow-[container] shadow-[color]-[shade(/opacity)] shadow-[container]:添加阴影,container 表示阴影最大宽度,取值如下 containerwidth sm 640px md 768px lg 1024px xl 1280px 2xl 1536px (/opacity):透明度,默认 100,取值 0~100 SdColor Red 500 SdColor Red 500 SdColor Red 500 强调...
Tailwind CSS - Container - Tailwind CSS Container class is used to fix the element's width within different breakpoints. This Container utility class prevents writing custom CSS code for adjusting an element’s width at distinct breakpoints.
写作背景: 在热火朝天的前端框架演进的进程中,大多数的人都把目光关注到了 JavaScript / TypeScript ...
="stylesheet">点击我标题这里是卡片内容。 在上面的代码中,customColor是自定义颜色,font-sans是自定义字体。通过在tailwind.config.js文件中定义颜色和字体,可以直接在 HTML 中使用这些自定义的样式类。 6. 最佳实践与资源推荐 6.1 小贴士与常见问题解答 避免过度使用:Tailwind 的原子类非常强大,但过度使用...
Support CSS theme() functions inside other @custom-media, @container, and @supports rules (#14358) Export Config type from tailwindcss for JS config files (#14360) Add support for matchVariant plugins using the @plugin directive (#14371) Warn when the tailwindcss package is used as a PostC...
src="https://cdn.tailwindcss.com"> Card Title This is an example card with custom border width and padding. The background color is a light gray, and additional styling includes rounded corners and a shadow effect. In this example, border-[5px] sets the border width to 5 pixel...
Tailwind CSS v3.2: Dynamic breakpoints, multi-config, and container queries, oh my! Well it's that time again! The time where we quickly go from"I really have no idea what we could even add to a new Tailwind release"to"wow, well this is actually a ridiculous amount of new stuff —...
layout-packed: packs the child elements together in the container. layout-spaced: spaces the child elements across the full width of the container. layout-grid: spaces the child elements within the cell of a grid. Alignment Properties layout-packed-[horizontal][vertical]-[axis] has three propert...