但是,如果您确实希望 max-width 更小,您还可以使用容器配置自定义屏幕尺寸。无论出于何种原因,这似乎都没有被记录下来,但是在源代码中挖掘表明容器插件 首先检查 container.screens ,然后回到正常的 screens 配置。这使您可以在不影响正常断点的情况下配置容器断点。 // tailwind.config.js module.exports = { mode...
盒子阴影颜色:shadow-[container] shadow-[color]-[shade(/opacity)] shadow-[container]:添加阴影,container 表示阴影最大宽度,取值如下 containerwidth sm 640px md 768px lg 1024px xl 1280px 2xl 1536px (/opacity):透明度,默认 100,取值 0~100 SdColor Red 500 SdColor Red 500 SdColor Red 500 强调...
Container background change for Small, Medium and large Screen In the following example, the content background color will change at thesmall(sm)screen size having"max-width: 640px;",medium(md)screen size having"max-width: 768px;", and alarge(lg)screen size having"max-width: 1024px;"bre...
Tailwind CSS - Max-Width Tailwind CSS - Height Tailwind CSS - Min-Height Tailwind CSS - Max-Height Tailwind CSS - Size Tailwind CSS - Typography Tailwind CSS - Font Family Tailwind CSS - Font Size Tailwind CSS - Font Smoothing Tailwind CSS - Font Style Tailwind CSS - Font Weight Tailwind ...
Hi, I added a screen breakpoint xxl: '1440px' this automatically added a max-width on the container of 1440 for that breakpoint but I don't want the container to exceed a maximum 1200px (xl) in theory this should work but it doesnt preve...
@container (min-width: 640px) { .card { @apply grid grid-cols-2 gap-4; } } <!-- 内容 --> <!-- 使用视口单位优化 --> .responsive-text { font-size: clamp(1rem, 2vw + 0.5rem, 1.5rem); } .responsive-spacing { padding: clamp(1rem, 3vw,...
Remove --container-prose in favor of a deprecated --max-width-prose theme variable so that *-prose is only available for max-width utilities and only for backward compatibility (#15439) Use Vite post-processor APIs for processing Svelte blocks (#15436) Remove @property fallback rules for...
spacing variables are already scoped to width and height, or are you expecting something different? Lubomír Blažek@lubomirblazekcz · 8 days ago @praveenjuge thanks for the update to v4! Btw TailwindCSS changed names for some variables in v4 again, width -> container, font-size -> text...
<!-- ... --> Out-of-the-box we include a set of container sizes that match our default max-width scale: NameValue xs 20rem sm 24rem md 28rem lg 32rem xl 36rem 2xl 42rem 3xl 48rem 4xl 56rem 5xl 64rem 6xl 72rem 7xl 80rem You can configure which values are available u...
-- 使用容器查询替代媒体查询 -->@container(min-width:640px){.card{@applygrid grid-cols-2 gap-4;}}<!-- 内容 --><!-- 使用视口单位优化 -->.responsive-text{font-size:clamp(1rem,2vw + 0.5rem,1.5rem);}.responsive-spacing{padding:clamp(1rem,3vw,2rem);}<!-- 使用 aspect-ratio 优化...