Change default text-6xl font-size to 3.75rem instead of 4rem (#2619) Ignore [hidden] elements within space and divide utilities instead of template elements (#2642) Automatically prefix keyframes and animation names when a prefix is configured (#2621, #2641) Merge extend objects deeply by de...
文本颜色:text-[color]-[shade] color:颜色名称 shade:色度,取值范围为 100~900,不可对黑色或白色使用 Color Black Color White Color Red 500 Color Blue 500 Color Gray 500 Color Green 500 背景颜色:bg-[color]-[shade] BgColor White BgColor Red 500 BgColor Black 下划线颜色:underline decoration...
Text Color Change: motion-text-in-blue-500 Combining Animations You can combine multiple animations on a single element: Exit animations For exit animations, simply replace in with out in the class name. Loop Animations You can create continuous animations by adding loop variants to any base ...
accentColor The accent-color utilities like accent-green-800 accessibility The sr-only and not-sr-only utilities alignContent The align-content utilities like content-between alignItems The align-items utilities like items-center alignSelf The align-self utilities like self-end animation The animation...
color Color Change select color gray label string Add label for select '' error boolean Change select state to error false success boolean Change select state to success false arrow node Change select arrow icon undefined value string Change selected value for select undefined onChange function Return...
Better UX: Added UI, possibility to change base color name. Version 1 on March 1, 2020 A Post 7 comments M Mariano D'Agostino@marianodagostin · 2 years ago Hi! How does it works? What is the logic that you use to generate the shades? Martin Reitschmied@sushi_devCreator· 2 years...
We will add a hover animation where once the user hovers the mouse above the project, we will change the background color of the card and slightly move it to the top. This adds a 3D elevation effect to the card.For project images, you can use your own or find the images from the ...
Hover to change color 更多用法: 结论 Tailwind CSS 是前端开发人员的强大工具,这些类只是冰山一角。通过将这些实用工具融入你的工作流程中,你可以简化开发过程,并创建更动态、更具视觉吸引力的网页设计。如果你还没有尝试过这些类,请尝试一下,看看它们如何提升...
By default, Tailwind will purge all styles in thebase,components, andutilitieslayers. If you’d like to change this, use thelayersoption to manually specify the layers you’d like to purge: // tailwind.config.jsmodule.exports={purge:{layers:['components','utilities'],content:['./src/**...
Animation Helpful Small Animations Transitions Transformation Other Appearance Things Responsive Design Tailwind Screen Widths and Breakpoints Hide Based on Size Fewer Grid Columns on Small Devices Flex on Larger Devices Customizing Tailwind Configuration File Basics Change Default Values Change Generated Cl...