@apply 是告诉 tailwind ,请把后边一长串功能类提供的功能传递给 color-change-base这个类名 具体使用到组件/页面 在需要使用颜色切换的组件上 添加 color-change-base类名 当使用 class 模式(tailwind.config.js文件中的设置),在html标签添加或删除 dark类名,就能完成页面的颜色模式切换 切换逻辑 请查看tailwind C...
tailwind建议我们使用index.css,而不是在tailwind.config.js中进行配置 如https://tailwindcss.com/docs...
// 监听系统主题变化window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)').addEventListener('change',event=>{if(!localStorage.getItem('theme')){document.documentElement.classList.toggle('dark',event.matches)}}) 深色模式样式指南 颜色系统设计 建立颜色对应关系: // tailwind.config.jsmodule.exports={theme:...
theme: { extend: {}, }, plugins: [], } 创建input.css 作为主 CSS 文件 @tailwind base; @tailwind components; @tailwind utilities; 修改package.json,配置指令实现开启 Tailwind CLI 构建流程 { // ... "scripts": { "build": "tailwindcss -i ./input.css -o ./css/style.css", "watch":...
create color variable in .env. Note as we require it out of Vite's scope it may not be prefixed with VITE_ ANY_COLOR='#ffc8dd' Now you can access it in tailwind config theme: { colors: { primary: process.env.ANY_COLOR } } This will work BUT if you change co...
Change color </> ); }; Summer 在CSS 中使用 Tailwind 有时需要使用 CSS 来设计样式,例如,当使用第三方库时。这时就可以通过使用@apply指令或theme函数来使用 Tailwind 颜色,下面来看一个例子: .__some-external-class { /* 通过 @apply 可以使用 Tailwind 中的任何实用程序类名称 */ @apply text-blue-30...
import{ref,onMounted}from'vue';constdark=ref(false);// 设置初始主题onMounted(()=>{constlocalStorageTheme=localStorage.getItem('tool-theme-mode');constprefersDark=window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)').matches;// 监听prefersDark.addEventListener('change',handleToggleTheme);});...
Change the implementation for @import resolution to speed up initial builds (#14446) Remove automatic var(…) injection (#13657) Only apply :hover states on devices that support @media (hover: hover) (#14500) 4.0.0-alpha.24 - 2024-09-11 Added Support CSS theme() functions inside other ...
Tailwind CSS - Will Change Tailwind CSS - SVG Tailwind CSS - Fill Tailwind CSS - Stroke Tailwind CSS - Stroke Width Tailwind CSS - Accessibility Tailwind CSS - Screen Readers Tailwind CSS - Forced Color Adjust Tailwind CSS - Bonus Tailwind CSS - Using with Preprocessors Tailwind CSS - Optimizin...
Hi! I'm trying to change the app theme when the user changes it inside the app. But it's not working. The code example is below. Is there something wrong? useEffect(() => { tw.setColorScheme(darkTheme ? 'dark' : 'light') }, [darkTheme]) ...