3. Terminate the tail command once PID dies Using –pid with -f option, you can terminate the tail command when the specific process gets over or killed as shown below. $ tail -f /tmp/debug.log --pid=2575 In the above tail gets terminated immediately when the pid 2575 vanishes. 4. ...
Use theccm_router_tailcommand totail -fthe message router log file,$CCM_HOME/log/ccm_router.log. PressControl-cto exit from this command. You can run this command as any user, in any role. For more information, seeMonitoring daemons log files. Options and arguments This command does not...
Apr 2 03:02:59 TecMint sudo[162801]: root : TTY=pts/2 ; PWD=/root ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/dnf install R Apr 2 03:02:59 TecMint sudo[162801]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by root(uid=0) Apr 2 03:03:02 TecMint sudo[162801]: pam_unix(su...
This is a useful example of usingtailandgrepto selectively monitor a log file in real time. In this command,tailmonitors the fileaccess.log. Itpipesaccess.log's final ten lines, and any new lines added, to thegreputility.grepreads the output fromtail, and outputs only those lines which c...
Apr203:02:59TecMint sudo[162801]: root : TTY=pts/2; PWD=/root ;USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/dnf install R Apr203:02:59TecMint sudo[162801]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session openedforuserroot(uid=0)byroot(uid=0) Apr203:03:02TecMint sudo[162801]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed...
Apr 2 03:02:59 TecMintsudo[162801]: root : TTY=pts/2 ; PWD=/root ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/dnf install R Apr 2 03:02:59 TecMintsudo[162801]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session openedforuser root(uid=0) by root(uid=0)
The name of the tool is inspired by thetailcommand available in unix-like systems which is used to display the tail end of a text file or piped data. Cardano's consensus protocol name,Ouroboros, is a reference to the ancient symbol depicting a serpent or dragon eating its own tail, which...
Linux tail command Updated: 05/21/2018 by Computer Hope Abouttail Syntax Examples ▸Related commands▸Linux and Unix commands help About tail tailoutputs the last part, or "tail", offiles. It can also monitor new informationwrittento the file inreal time, displaying the newest entries in ...
LogExpert is a Windows tail program (a GUI replacement for the Unix tail command). Summary of (most) features: Tail mode MDI-Interface with Tabs Search function (including RegEx) Bookmarks A very flexible filter view and possibility to filter to tab Highlighting lines via search criteria Trigger...
显示第10行到末尾行 tail -n -10 filename // 从第20行至末尾 tail +20 test.log // 显示...