The tail command in unix or linux system prints the last N lines from the file on the terminal. Tail command is especially used with log files to read the last few lines to know about the error messages. The syntax of tail command is: # tail [options] [files] Type tail [-n count]...
In most versions of Unix, the --follow=name --retry option is equivalent to the -F option. other On November 8, 2010, Ramesh Natarajan named this the number 42 most frequently used Unix/Linux command at this web page 50 Most Frequently Used UNIX / Linux Commands (With Examples). In Ju...
3. Terminate the tail command once PID dies Using –pid with -f option, you can terminate the tail command when the specific process gets over or killed as shown below. $ tail -f /tmp/debug.log --pid=2575 In the above tail gets terminated immediately when the pid 2575 vanishes. 4. ...
tail command is a command-line utility, similar to thehead commandthat reads a file and prints the last 10 lines (content) of one or more files to standard output. In this practical guide, we will learn about the tail command. By the end of this guide, Linux command-line users will b...
Note:Thetailcommand is designed to work primarily withASCII text files, where one character corresponds to one byte. Using the-cor-n +NUMoptions when processing files in the Unicode character set can yield unexpected errors. Explore thetailcommand usage through concrete examples in the sections bel...
Tail command in Linux with examples, For command: tail +n file_name, data will start printing from line number ‘n’ till the end of the file specified. $ tail +25 state.txt Telangana Tripura Uttar Pradesh Uttarakhand West Bengal. 2. -c num: Prints the last ‘num’ bytes ...
Linux tail command Updated: 05/21/2018 by Computer Hope Abouttail Syntax Examples ▸Related commands▸Linux and Unix commands help About tail tailoutputs the last part, or "tail", offiles. It can also monitor new informationwrittento the file inreal time, displaying the newest entries in ...
Head command in Linux Head command will obviously on the contrary to tail, it will print the first 10 lines of the file. Till this part of the post, the head command will do pretty much the same as tail in all previous examples, with exception to the -f option, there is no -f opt...
Examples ▸Related commands ▸Linux and Unix commands help About tail tailoutputs the last part, or "tail", offiles. It can also monitor new informationwrittento the file inreal time, displaying the newest entries in a systemlog, for example. ...
This is a small ruby library that allows it to "tail" files in Ruby, including following a file, that still is growing like the unix command 'tail -f' can. Download The latest version of File::Tail (file-tail) can be found at Installation To instal...