Diagenode Tagmentation Buffer (2x) is the recommended reagent to perform any tagmentation reactions. It can be used in combination with Diagenode Tagmentase ... 300 µl 90,00 € Tagmentation Buffer (2x)個カートに追加。 お会計 お買い物を続ける × CATS White paper Thank you for you...
RT and tagmentation are then performed within one incubation step in a compatible buffer. With simultaneous RT and tagmentation, we were able to detect higher transcript enrichment than with sequential RT and tagmentation (Extended Data Fig. 1b). This may be attributed to RT altering RNA ...
The Library pool was diluted to 4 nM with 10 mM Tris pH 8.0, denatured with 0.2 N NaOH solution and diluted to 20 pM with Hyb Buffer following Illumina instructions for the Miseq. The 20 pM pool was further diluted to 9 pM and spiked with 1% PhiX at 12.5 pM before being loaded onto...
A single band on a gel (or peak in LCp) of a Rep-PCR profile will contain mainly representatives of the same amplicon, which would allow for base accuracy correction using tools such as, for example, Canu22. With that assumption, we have developed a pipeline operating in three steps: str...