Watch the Life Support Monitoring window to see when your ships are estimated to run out. Installation procedure Copy everything in the GameData directory to the {KSP}/GameData directory. Thanks Includes HexCan parts from Greys, licensed CC-BY 3.0. Used with permission. See Readme-HexCans....
Version Checker's MiniAVC. It does a GET request to find the latest release number. It isopt-inandno information is sentto the server. I recommend downloading thefull KSP-AVC Pluginto get the most out of it. And encourage other mod authors to support it...
Life Support from Thunder Aerospace Corporation. Contribute to KSP-RO/TacLifeSupport development by creating an account on GitHub.
echo KSP_PLAY has not been set! pause exit 1 ) xcopy /s /f /y GameData %KSP_PLAY%\GameData\ pause Loading... 马建仓 AI 助手 1 q1az TacLifeSupport1 TacLifeSupport1 master深圳...
轨道空间站中添加 PPD - F412M 水培舱 后,启动 SETI 温室,在空间站处于 加载 状态时,资源计算一切正常。 返回航天中心或追踪站或其他导致 空间站处于 未加载 状态的场景时,食物 资源会消耗的非常快。 相关issue: post-kerbin-mining-corporation/StationPartsExpansionRedux#316 KSP-RO/TacLifeSupport#112 tinygro...