>>>importtablesastb>>>f1=tb.open_file('links1.h5','w')>>>g1=f1.create_group('/','g1')>>>g2=f1.create_group(g1,'g2') 现在,我们将在 /g1 和 /g1/g2 组上放置一些数据集: >>>a1=f1.create_carray(g1,'a1',tb.Int64Atom(),shape=(10000,))>>>t1=f1.create_table(g...
Use the AUR helper of your choice or git andmakepkgto install pspg. FreeBSD # pkg install pspg OpenBSD # pkg_add pspg More about it Using MacPorts (MacOS only) # port install pspg MS Windows pspgcan be simply used on MS Windows by using wsl2. I tested it, and it is working ...
Most of the default types implement the trait out of the box. use tabled::{Tabled, Table}; #[derive(Tabled)] struct Language { name: &'static str, designed_by: &'static str, invented_year: usize, } let languages = vec![ Language{ name: "C", designed_by: "Dennis Ritchie", ...
# 30 03 * * * /usr/bin/mysql -u 'zabbix' -p'zabbixDBpass' zabbix -e "CALL partition_maintenance_all('zabbix');" > /tmp/CronDBpartitiong.log 2>&130 03 * * * /usr/bin/mysql -u 'zabbix' -p'zabbixDBpass'zabbix-e "CALLpartition_maintenance_all_30and400('zabbix');" > /tmp/...
How can I produce a table and/or a CSV file of macros that were called inside the document? E.g. I would like to write a document like this: \documentclass[final,a4paper,11pt,oneside,openany]{memoir} \usepackage[naustrian]{babel} \usepackage[thmmarks]{ntheorem} \usepackage{thm-rest...
than 30 days before expiration Returning Rational Tokens for software-based license server Uninstalling the software-based license server Uninstalling the web server 124 124 124 125 127 127 128 Terminology 128 IBM® Virtual Dev and Test for z/OS® This is the welcome page of the documentation...
accordingly.ifisinstance(value, datetime):# Render time to YYY-MM-DD.returnvalue.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")ifisinstance(value,float):# Render float to 2 dpreturn"%.2f"% valueifisinstance(value,str):# Render strings with quotesreturn'"%s"'% value# Default (anything not captured above: e.g. ...
than 30 days before expiration Returning Rational Tokens for software-based license server Uninstalling the software-based license server Uninstalling the web server 124 125 125 126 127 128 129 Terminology 129 IBM® Virtual Dev and Test for z/OS® This is the welcome page of the documentation...
mysql -u 'zabbix' -p'zabbixDBpass' zabbix < zbx_db_partitiong.sql 在新安装的Zabbix 服务器上,,脚本将非常快速的创建分区过程,但是在大型数据库上,此过程坑你持续数小时。 译者点评:这里应该是作者的笔误或表达有误,不管zabbix数据库多大,创建这些存储过程都非常快,但是在大型的zabbix数据库上,运行这些维护...
List of figures and tablesELSEVIERThe Evaluation of Research by Scientometric Indicators