3月2日周三晚上8点,Tableau Zen Master 吴玉鹏 (喜乐君) 将做客直播间,分享从管理和业务岗位转型为商业分析师背后的故事,值得倾听。如果你是初入职场的新人、或者正在考虑职业转型,希望本期的分享能给你带来启发。喜乐君是吴老师的笔名,他是《数据可视化分析:Tableau
年初,喜乐君和Wendy同时入围Tableau Zen Master,中国区域终于有了更多参与者! 这一年的产品功能有些“鸡肋”,要么听着好用不能用(“爱因斯坦”Einstein Discovery,Explain Data),要么只算得“锦上添花”(quick LOD、集合Collections、个人空间),要么就是明显超越了大部分客户的当前能力(Virtual Connections)。 但另一方...
1.定期推送Public精选作品 2.定期举办Viz Challenge活动,可以学习获胜者作品 3.定期举办分享会/免费课程/IT大会,方便掌握业界动态 Tableau交流问答群 - 国内最大Tableau粉丝团体 虽然是民间组织,但是有很多大神(包括世界级别的Tableau Zen Master)都在群里,所以技术水平非常高。 1.定期推送群内优秀作品 2.定期介绍国...
感谢继续支持和信任我的企业客户,我就用专业和热爱回报大家。 感谢Tableau,你给了我穿过迷雾的勇气,我也将无期限地支持你,对得起“Tableau传道士”的称号,对得起Tableau Zen Master/Visionary的全球荣誉。 感谢我的父母,我的家人,“大爱无言”,我当用余生以行动回报。 喜乐君 2023年1月20日 彩色插图欣赏(部分) ...
He is a Tableau Zen Master, co-leader of the LATAM Tableau User Group, and reached 4th place in Iron Viz 2020. He also loves making Latin American food and drinks! Tableau Public ProfileOpens in a new window TwitterOpens in a new window. WebsiteOpens in a new window. Donna Coles View...
This month, I received the news that I had finally reached a career-long goal of being named a Tableau Zen Master, Tableau’s highest honor. As I felt the outpouring of support from the community, I put a lot of thought into the most appropriate response
Practical Tableau 100 Tips, Tutorials and Strategies from a Tableau Zen Master 信息化 - 其它 Fo**ly上传153KB文件格式epub Practical Tableau 100 Tips, Tutorials and Strategies from a Tableau Zen Master by O'Reily Media, 2018 (0)踩踩(0)...
Filippo Mastroianni è il primo Tableau Zen Master italiano! Scopriamo chi è e come si costruisce una professione intorno ai dati Il data journalist Filippo Mastroianni ci racconta l'importanza della Data Visualization nell'attuale contesto socioeconomico e cosa significhi per lui essere diventato ...
Ethics in Society I have struggled to write this post now for months. It started first as an exploration of ethical values. Except, Continue Reading September 26, 2020 Ethics Comments Offon 6 Months Later: A Retrospective 6 Months Later: A Retrospective ...
地图支持多层叠加。以前一般用双轴图叠两层,现在像photoshop一样能叠很多层。新晋的一位中国区的Zen Master就是个中高手,大家可以看她的public 学习。https://public.tableau.com/profile/wendy.shijia#!/ Linux 版本的服务器提供resouce management add on ...