3月2日周三晚上8点,Tableau Zen Master 吴玉鹏 (喜乐君) 将做客直播间,分享从管理和业务岗位转型为商业分析师背后的故事,值得倾听。如果你是初入职场的新人、或者正在考虑职业转型,希望本期的分享能给你带来启发。喜乐君是吴老师的笔名,他是《数据可视化分析:Tableau
阶段一: 熟悉界面和基本操作 2.1 Tableau官方视频(免费)2.2 Tableau eLearning 2.3 Tableau 帮助页...
随后,来自英国的数据大神 Andy Kriebel(Tableau Zen Master) 将这份辞典真正落地,并将 Tableau 工作簿公开分享到 Tableau Public 上,成为了诸多数据爱好者的“典藏之作”。 其实,Andy 的作品并不受限于金融场景,如果你也想学习并应用在分析工作中,就赶快登陆 Tableau Public 并下载工作簿,深入探索看看吧~ Public 地...
Practical Tableau 100 Tips, Tutorials and Strategies from a Tableau Zen Master by O'Reily Media, 2018点赞(0) 踩踩(0) 反馈 所需:1 积分 电信网络下载 Linli522362242 2020-01-08 02:09:19 评论 别误点击下载而浪费积分,这个是EPUB的,要下载一个软件才知道能否下载...
This month, I received the news that I had finally reached a career-long goal of being named a Tableau Zen Master, Tableau’s highest honor. As I felt the outpouring of support from the community, I put a lot of thought into the most appropriate response
Workout Wednesday简称WOW(http://www.workout-wednesday.com),是Tableau社区一个非常出名的项目,国内用户关注较少,它是由几位Tableau Zen Master发起的挑战项目,每周三会发布一个Tableau Viz,参与者需要根据要求完成复现Viz的任务。每期都设置了必需满足的条件,除此之外参与者可以运用各种方法实现复现。有时候我会去...
He is a Tableau Zen Master, co-leader of the LATAM Tableau User Group, and reached 4th place in Iron Viz 2020. He also loves making Latin American food and drinks! Tableau Public ProfileOpens in a new window TwitterOpens in a new window. WebsiteOpens in a new window. Donna Coles View...
Filippo Mastroianni è il primo Tableau Zen Master italiano! Scopriamo chi è e come si costruisce una professione intorno ai dati Il data journalist Filippo Mastroianni ci racconta l'importanza della Data Visualization nell'attuale contesto socioeconomico e cosa significhi per lui essere diventato ...
I have struggled to write this post now for months. It started first as an exploration of ethical values. Except, Continue Reading September 26, 2020 Ethics Comments Offon 6 Months Later: A Retrospective 6 Months Later: A Retrospective
A Dashboard Redesign from Makeover Monday 2018 Week 51 杰弗里·谢弗(Jeffrey Shaffer),Zen Master,《The Big Book of Dashboards》 作者,这篇教程来自他网站data + science的教程博客。 POINT.小数点数据分析特训营(深圳站)正式开营 惯例帮小数点打个广告。